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red civic with black tiger stripes


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FIX YOUR FUCKING TAILLIGHTS, if your going to do something that fucking stupid to your car and modify your fucking lights with those horrible silver tail lights like every other fucking ricer on the street make sure they fucking work especailly when theres and big ass SUV with a boat behind it comeing up on you and your hitting your brakes and no one in the world fucking knows since its night time on a dark road and ass end of your gay ass civic is black.. learn how to be a mechanic before you do shit that can cause a fucking wreck... there should be a law to take people like this out back and whip there asses for stupid shit they do to there cars there no even qualified to do.....
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so why do you care about the red civic with black tiger stripes.. or is it a ricer pride to stick up for each other about being stupid and not knowing how to connect the wires that could save someones life or is it beyond your logical thinking that brake lights are made for a specific reason...maybe you should ask yourself what your still doing here???
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