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Need XP CD


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Reinstalling XP on my main rig, and it wont go past 55%.

I have tried 3 diferent CD drives, so I can only assume it is the disc.

Leme know if you have one I can borrow, even better if you can make me a copy that is fully functioning so I have a good disc again.

BTW, it is XP Pro


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If you have access to a another computer/ burner I can give you a link to a good xp pro corp. iso & key.


I've had the same experience befeore, and the problem was bad sectors on a drive...


I would fdisk and reformat and / or run any drive fitness/ diags you might have around.

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If I have bad sectors, I will be pissed. WD 36GB Raptor SATA, has never given me any problems before.

I have another computer, PM me the link if you can.

Mike, what time you go to work? I might drop by, i need to pick something else up anyways.

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