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Air Conditioning broken


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So i come home from work late sunday night and our AC is broken. My roomate, who owns the condo calls around and can't get anyone till friday (sears) every other company isn't available until late next week.



The Fan motor on the outside unit is running but for some reason or another the fan blades themselves aren't moving. I'm hoping its a replaceable part, b/c a new unit would be a bit expensive right now.


Does anyone 'know a guy'?

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yeah the fan motor itself is running but the blades arent. we could 'borow' one from an empty unit next door their not using it anyway. ive yet to actually open it up and look. sears said they can comeout fri every other company he called said next week.
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I don't know anyone, but recently when ours went out during the last little heat wave, I went to walmart and bought a window unit. I installed it in the living room (about 15min), hung a blanket in the kitchen/liv room entry, and cranked it up. Worked great. Once the a/c was fixed, I took the window unit back. :D (Whaddya gonna do :confused: I have animals...) Funny how I just posted about a broken a/c and my last idea I used to get thru that in a thread just before this one. It involved a tent and an extra fridge. lol
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