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Women, cell phones and cars. Hmmm


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im not sure what it is, but some stupid woman talking on her phone, while driving, decides she doesnt want to stop for traffic today.

So, BAM.

she hits me.

i have only had my car back for 2 weeks after a deer hits the pass side, and she goes and fucks it up.


i can drive a manual and use my phone all at the same time, even while turning.

i know it is amazming.

but she couldnt handle an automatic saturn in a straight line while on the phone.

so you ask, what is this post all about?



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I do hate to generalize, but in the last 10times I've had someone do something ignorant driving near me, only once has it been a guy. Out of the other 9, 8 of those times has been woman on a damn cell phone.

Dammit, many phones have speakerphones and they make handsfree all kinds o shit. Freakin use it!!!

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Its funny how people who always bitch on here about driving are talking about women drivers, but most of the time when I'm driving I normally find that both sexes are equally at fault for ignorant driving. Maybe it's just me but I think men just like to bitch to their friends about women just as much as women do about men and this is just one of those things that men just LOVE to bitch about.
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this is why we need a handsfree state. That doesn't solve the problem, but it sure does help a little bit.



Why kill it for everyone? Make these women pass a test when they get their license! The "Park and Speak" test. Parallel park and talk on your phone at the same time. If you can't, no license.



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this is why we need a handsfree state. That doesn't solve the problem, but it sure does help a little bit.


itll be here soon. in new york, its no joke about that shit. if they see a guy smoking weed while driving, and another guy on the cell phone, theyll pull over the cell phone user first. there have been numerous tests that support the idea that its more dangerous to talk on the cell while driving than it is to DRIVE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL!!!


be careful guys. i just ordered bluetooth visor mounted speaker phones for this very purpose.

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Hands free is not going to fix the issue at hand. I am a woman that drives a manual car and can talk on the phone all at the same time. It is the simple fact that too many american's are careless! There is also the fact that soooooooooooo many people can't mulit-task. So if someone is talking on the phone (even if it is speaker phone)they won't be able to do a different task.


i.e. They can concentrate on driving OR talking to someone thru a cell phone.


I say if someone gets into a wreck while on the cell phone, they should be punished as if a drunk driver would be. The drivers judgement is impaired with a cell phone almost (if not the same amount in some cases) as when a driver is drunk!


Just my .02



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Hands free is not going to fix the issue at hand. I am a woman that drives a manual car and can talk on the phone all at the same time. It is the simple fact that too many american's are careless! There is also the fact that soooooooooooo many people can't mulit-task. So if someone is talking on the phone (even if it is speaker phone)they won't be able to do a different task.


i.e. They can concentrate on driving OR talking to someone thru a cell phone.


I say if someone gets into a wreck while on the cell phone, they should be punished as if a drunk driver would be. The drivers judgement is impaired with a cell phone almost (if not the same amount in some cases) as when a driver is drunk!


Just my .02




While I agree with you that it wont fix the issue at hand, I do think it is a good step to reducing the problem. People seem to follow more rules when they are scared and when people actually start finding out that they are going to get tickets for talking without a headset they might just think differently about making a call.

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hands free is the way to go.


but pgsrt-4 is right men are just as bad as women. I see it everyday going to work if they aren't paying attention to what they are doing they are driving way to slow in the fast lane or other stupid shit like that. then when you finally are able to get around them they look at you like your retarded.

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Its funny how people who always bitch on here about driving are talking about women drivers, but most of the time when I'm driving I normally find that both sexes are equally at fault for ignorant driving. Maybe it's just me but I think men just like to bitch to their friends about women just as much as women do about men and this is just one of those things that men just LOVE to bitch about.


Were you on your cell phone when you typed this? ;)


Seriously though, there's probably quite a bit of truth to that. lol And yes, there are alot of bad men drivers, as well. Lately, I've just been running into more drivers acting silly that are women. But yes, ignorance and irresponsiblity knows no boundries.

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Talked to my neighbor. He said the it was a 57yr old lady in a Tahoe. She pulled out in front of bigrig cargoing steel. It hit her driver's side probably killing her on the spot. They did find her cell phone, but it was in her pocketbook. Guess she just wasn't paying attention. Very sad, really. This was just a little south of where I live in Delaware.
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Jesus effing christ. Women can't drive, for sureeeee. Anyone who says women and men are equally bad drivers are either sucking up or just plain ignorant. Women shouldn't be allowed to drive unless it's to the grocery store or my house to pleasure me orally.

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Hands free is not going to fix the issue at hand. I am a woman that drives a manual car and can talk on the phone all at the same time. It is the simple fact that too many american's are careless! There is also the fact that soooooooooooo many people can't mulit-task. So if someone is talking on the phone (even if it is speaker phone)they won't be able to do a different task.


i.e. They can concentrate on driving OR talking to someone thru a cell phone.


I say if someone gets into a wreck while on the cell phone, they should be punished as if a drunk driver would be. The drivers judgement is impaired with a cell phone almost (if not the same amount in some cases) as when a driver is drunk!


Just my .02




Amen sister...


I too drive a manual and have mastered the skill of talking and driving. It's all about multi tasking. If you can't. Get off the road.


And no, never been in an accident.

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mastered a skill of talking on the phone and driving? there is no skill, DON'T DO IT!!! hands free is the way to go... it's then just like talking to someone sitting beside you. IMO.


holding a phone up to your ear, will empair your vision, no way around it.

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