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proportional response.


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I just had a discussion with a good friend of mine who is a member of the Ohio National Gaurd. The conversation got on the topic of israel and whats going on between them Syria, Hezbollah, and Iran. We got on the topic of proportional response and i told him he had to admit, that it was overkill to send over jets on bombing sorti's in southern lebanon just because two soldiers were kidnapped. (Please dont mistake my language, kidnapped soldiers should've been a top priority but not to the point you risk the lives of more and more soldiers and non-combatants in order to do so)


He tried saying that Israel sent over a special forces group and one tank. The groups was killed and the tank was destroyed and that's what sparked the air offensive from israel.


Now i've been following this fairly closely (at least more so than the average person i'd like to think so) and not one time have i heard anything of an Israeli tank being destroyed and a group of SF going down with it. He said he found out about it from some sort of military communication (ie, scuttlebug/rumors). But this isnt exactly the first time that a rumor was started in order to justify an action taken ive heard of such cases before. Now im not dumb, if there was a special forces operation that the israeli government didnt want people to know about im sure no one would know about it. But they have gotten alot of flak about a proportional response, wouldnt you think they would've cited such an action in order to justify their response?


Not trying to start up a debate in what is right or wrong about what is going on over there. just trying to get some information on how it all started.



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Proportinal response is a waste of time. Israel is excercising alot of restraint (unfortunately0 in this conflick, much the same way we are excecising restraint in iraq and afghanistan (sp). Such is the curse of being the bigger power. if you cut loose and have at it, you are a monster. Last I checked, the purpose of war is to kill people and break ting (prefoably the enimies stuff) not be a humanitarian effort.

As far as a SF unit, I have heard nothing. As him what source he got that from, I would be intrested in reading it.

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