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Bought some Absinthe..


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wow, this thread really wont die.. I drank it with ice cold spring water, not tap water. pouring the water over the sugar cube to melt it into the absinthe. doesnt matter how you drink it, it still tastes like crap lol. if you like black licorice then maybe you will like this. if you like any alcohol that burns your soul then you will like this lol. i heard that another way to drink it is to mix it with Rose's Lime Juice.. but that I have never tried personally. good luck though.. sorry not fairies included, grow some shrooms for that lol

also check out this site: http://www.drinknation.com/ingredient/Absinthe

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I had some imported from Germany.....and you are correct it doesnt matter how you try to drink it ...It taste like SHIT......

I didnt see any trailers or shit like that ...but I was F*ing Hammered trying to get there......:lol:

I will say that after a night of drinking that shit.....I woke up with a nasty hangover...naked with a John Deere Hat on with a carrot in my ass...and with Gary Coleman riding on a pink big wheel.....

Wow....it was a great night... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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womens beware:

any guy who 'wants to drink ______' with you, or 'wants to smoke ______' with you, or 'wants to shoot _______' with you is probably attempting to get in your pants.

if you're cool with that, then party on - but the only time i ever specifically bought a bottle to drink "with a girl," i was trying to sleep with her.

the ONE time i ever got totally shit-canned with a girl and DIDN'T have a sexual motive, we both got trashed play "edward 40 hands" with king cobra, and ended up sleeping together anyway. The next morning, she admitted that she was trying to get me drunk enough to cheat on my girlfriend with her.

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womens beware:

any guy who 'wants to drink ______' with you, or 'wants to smoke ______' with you, or 'wants to shoot _______' with you is probably attempting to get in your pants.

if you're cool with that, then party on - but the only time i ever specifically bought a bottle to drink "with a girl," i was trying to sleep with her.

the ONE time i ever got totally shit-canned with a girl and DIDN'T have a sexual motive, we both got trashed play "edward 40 hands" with king cobra, and ended up sleeping together anyway. The next morning, she admitted that she was trying to get me drunk enough to cheat on my girlfriend with her.

well thank goodness his wife will be drinking with us!! May be they are both trying to get in my pants :eek:

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I've got two bottles left of three. I tried it with the sugar cube n water ...meh I just as soon shoot it or bomb it with red bull. It will ferk you up fo sho don't even think of driving! Some at my party said they were hallucinating a bit, me personally I felt very happy almost like xtc.

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I had it couple of times after it was available from 2007. If you go to an Indian Restaurent they have after meal fennel as mouth freshners....it tastes like that.......no buzz.....thuzone have to be 10 ppm or less to sell it in hear....it's like a spicy/herby spirit

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omg! so much everything! more absinte ..... we will never finish! Someone was right when they said id be drinking this with Yota :lol:



did you drink before the pic, or are you really that short? :eek:

...and quit teasing me with the Great Lakes Christmas Ale....no one down here can even spell Great Lakes, much less get any delivered.

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