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For those that don't know I'm in Air Force ROTC and I had my 5 week field training at Maxwell AFB, AL this summer that I just got back from a couple days ago. I've had 2 years of training before, and I still have 3 more years to go after, while in school, but this was definitely far worse than anything they could do in school haha. It actually wasn't that bad, I enjoyed the smokey's getting in everyones faces and the physical discipline just became a normal thing :) It was always hot down there, high 90's and like 80% humidity, It just got worse having to keep the bdu sleeves always down and having to wear the MOPP gear, but I know enough people here have lived through worse and I salute you because it sucks.

I graduated as an SP (superior performer) which is the top 20% of my class. And for the last week I was group commander so I was in charge of all 300 cadets. I was also in charge of our mock-deployment at "tent-city" which was just absolutely insane. I'm glad its over though, its good to be home, but I cant wait to pin on those gold bars and whoop some ass. My ultimate goal is to become a B2 bomber pilot.

Now that I'm a POC it'll be nice to give the orders now, instead of taking the orders.

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