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WTB: VGC of some sort


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Well, my 5950 Ultra finally kicked the bucket. Due to the PC no longer used for gaming (just websurfing by my wife), I just need a basic replacement.


Preferably 128MB or bigger, and it has to be Nvidia. No ATI, I won't even consider it. Looking for the $25 range, something older is fine (MX series, maybe MX400 or Ti4600).


Lemme know what you've got :)

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It's a Hercules 3D Prophet II-MX. GeForce2 MX core, this was before they started splitting off into the 200/400/whatever designators, so you're looking at my having bought it probably January '00 or so with the after-winter sales. IIRC, it never did like the Detonator drivers with Windows98, and I never tried Forceware with it, but the 6.50 set should be around here somewhere.
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