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thieves stole my Sirius

RUTAN TA1647545492

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Sadly parts of Grove city which were once good arenot. My parents live in the same dev as boosted and juice, And when i went to newyork my old camaro got tore up by theives took everything that was not bolded down and some thigns that were.


sorry to hear about that, I've got a single din Awai mp3 cd . Its not much but if you want it you can have it. you will need to goto circuit city and get a cable for it ( I can show you which one) let me know by tonight i will be laid up for a bit

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Cool, I just figured i would offer I've had my stereos stolen so many damn times i know hwo bad it sucks. Its annoying that poeple always thing they need a cheap ride in this life. Hence the get rich quick schemes poeple who work for quickstar those type of things there all are the same.


cept ones illegal ones just shady

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That sucks man, I just wish people would stop stealing, my garage was ripped off a few years ago, had all the serial numbers booklets and reciepts and everything well, when the officer came to file the report he just told us we where shit outta luck and they couldnt do anything
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Was it a dash unit or a PNP?


I have car kits in my boat, Avalanche, Formula, and work van, so I just move my same unit around to all of them. I'd go fucking postal if someone stole my Sirius; it's on about 10 hours a day!!


Stern + Bubba = why the hell would someone want XM. I feel your pain not having it; when I was delivering the Mustang to its new owner, I had no CD's on me, and had to suffer through testicle radio. You don't know how much you appreciate having Sirius until you have to go without it!

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That sucks man. My car used to get egged on a regular basis last year. Now, I get random douchebags who creep by my house throughout the night, looking at my car. There's nothing in there to steal though, they're just wasting their time.
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