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Verizon wireless rant


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OK first off, DJ this is not directed to you personally in any way shape or form.


Ok so here at work they Verizon had a display for the day for setting up service. They had all the popular phones out and different contracts available. So I go up to the guy asking about the razor andask what it would cost to replace my current phone for a razor. $266 I will have to pay full price for the phone and I am a existing customer. Now get this if I cancel my current plan it will cost me $175 then to set up the a new account I would get the phone for free and it would cost me $35 orf 40 for the account setup since I'm a NW employee. So at most $220 after taxes. So tell what sence does that make? NONE!!! You would think tha since I am a existing customer they would want to to spend my money with them and try to keep me happy as a customer. nope and the sales rep was like sorry nothing we can do about it.


Now I know that verizon is out to make money and they aren't going to just give me shit because i want to upgrade. but it would make sence as a company to offer the product your selling at a discount to existing customer when that very same product is free for a new customer.



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I agree back in the day when I was with sprint they didnt give phones away but they were cheaper so to upgrade the phone may cost you like 200 bucks and that was when color screens and camera started comming out. Now I think they charge so much to cover the FNG that gets a free phone.
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All the companies are like this. I am looking to upgrade my current phone but will have to wait another 3 months if I want to do a service extension aka free phone package deal.


Exactly what i was going to say. With verizon they have a "new every 2 (years)" deal. Just like it says, new phone at the same discounted rate as a new subscriber every two years. So really, they are trying to take care of their current customer's with the same discounts they give new customers.

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Nextel used to be good, Thanks sprint:rolleyes:


Maybe it's in my head, but I swear to Christ that the service has went straight to hell since Sprint took them over. I don't get service anywhere, and I've finally had enough. I'm surprised my phone hasn't broken yet, as many times as I've thrown it now.

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how about when you have insurance on a phone and it breaks and they will not let you down grade (even up) or upgrade and pay the differance, that to me is the dumbest shit ever


that's because phone insurance is a scam

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I still like Cingular. It doesnt cost you an arm and a leg to upgrade your phone, and you dont have to cancel your contract to do so. God bless the SIM card.


Yea but I never get service anywhere so it really doesn't matter what phone I have.(I do not get service on the ground floor of my house and it is limited on the 2nd floor)

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well DJ got my bill from 190 a month to 90 so Im happy. Also DJ and I need to buy a new phone but Im to lazy to go anywhere else after work.


I got my phones from DJ as well and have been completely happy with my service but its like once they(verison )has there hooks in ya. your a second rate citizen and not worthy of any deals the company may have.

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the reason it would be free to sign up is to get more customers with a two year plan. im not saying what they do is right but it is a business. its unfare but thats how people make money. now if your two year plan is up then u get 100 off the promotional price wich would make it free depending on the price and manufacturers rebate. its just another way to promot product and get more customers. money makes the world go round. also just a lil food for thought. .........


a lot of times its very smart to get insurance on ur phone. phones do get discontinued. and if u have to claim them yes its 50 bones to do so but u get a better upgraded phone from what u have. i used ot have the lg vx 7000, started dropping calls. did a insurance claim. sure enough they discontinued the phone so i got the lg vx 8100 as a replacment. it was time for me to upgrade and renew a plan anyways. so i payed 50 for that phone. sold it for 170 on ebay. and hade $120 in my pocket toward my new phone plus the 100 i get off for beiung a existing customer. i got the a 970 litteraly at no extra cost out of my wallet. its not the right way to do things but hey it works for me. think about it :)..........plus the razor is a bad phone thats y they are cheap and they are basiclly giving them away. gets bad signals turns off randomly drops calls........ lgs are prettyy much the best. i say get the new chocolate or the vx8300 <-----great phone

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how long have you had your current contract? i had a 2yr contract and was eligible (as primary name on the account) to extend the contract (aka sign a new 2-year) after 1 year. I hadn't even reached that deadline, and i pestered and pestered enough til i got someone to make a mistake, got a new phone and new contract at a cost of $25 to me
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how about when you have insurance on a phone and it breaks and they will not let you down grade (even up) or upgrade and pay the differance, that to me is the dumbest shit ever


a quick word about this...


its INSURANCE. compare it to other types of insurance. if i get into a wreck with my car, i dont have the opportunity to "upgrade" to a better car for the difference plus the deductible, do i? phone depreciate, just like cars, except much, much faster. one other note, verizon has nothing to do with the insurance, save selling it. the company you should be angry with is called asurion.


about the insurance being a scam? well, i have no idea about that. the problem most people run into is that they dont think when i ask them, "do you want to insure your phone?" they dont ask me any questions about it. there is some very simple math you can do and save yourself (and me) a lot of headaches. two examples...


how much did this phone cost me today?

$0 $100


how much is the insurance going to cost me over the life of a two year plan?

$120 $120


whats the deductable on my plan?

$50 $50


if i break my phone before my contract is up, how much will it cost at retail to replace?

$150 $270


as you can see, its not always smart to get the insurance. anytime you buy a phone that can be replaced for less than about $170, youre losing money. if you come in and get an lg 3300, i will most likely advise you not to even bother.








enough of that. shawn, if you want to do that, then do it. the only way any company is going to change any of its policies (even the dumb ones) is when it starts to hurt. if it begins costing them money, you can be sure something about the way they do it will change. be forewarned, though, that you will lose your phone number. theres no way for you to keep it. sorry homie.

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I finally got my settlement from the V710 lawsuit (false adverts about bluetooth) which I replaced with the V3m. I have to admit, the V710 was a nicer phone because it didn't have all the stupid verizon menus and I could do some sweet stuff with it. I loathe Verizon, especially because of their half-assed phone selection, but I don't know that there's a better alternative at the moment.
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I finally got my settlement from the V710 lawsuit (false adverts about bluetooth) which I replaced with the V3m. I have to admit, the V710 was a nicer phone because it didn't have all the stupid verizon menus and I could do some sweet stuff with it. I loathe Verizon, especially because of their half-assed phone selection, but I don't know that there's a better alternative at the moment.

the v710 rocked.


the e815 (what i have) is basically an upgraded one with a slightly better cam, better software, more features, etc. also, it has a metal plate that protects it from scratching that the v710 had on the top part of the outside.


e815 > * if you like not tiny phones like the gayzr

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Verizon gives their customers promotional (discount pricing) PLUS $100 towards a new phone every 2 years, it's called "New Every Two". For example, a phone that retails for $299 would be on promotion for around $150, you get the additional $100 off for the new every two and 9 times out of 10 there is a $50 rebate. ='s free phone. A new customer would have paid $100 after the rebate.
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