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Mansfield whore


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Well I have been stuck here working in mansfield for the past few days. I walk out to get something from my truck and as I am keeping my eye on the guy whacking himself as he steals internet service in the parking lot, just to make sure he doesnt attempt to involve me in any way to what he's actually doing, I here the familiar sound of a rather trashed/trashy girl. See I grew up in the south end of columbus and I am familiar to the drunken rantings of members of the opposite sex. She proceeds to ask me if I can help her because she is stuck. Then asks me if I have any weed. Shes just looking to party because its her birthday and her mom gave her $60 and some other gifts. I say sorry I cant help you. She then proceeds to ask me if I wanted a blowjob. Now I think for the most minut second nobody would ever know. Then realization hits that this chick is wearing camo boots, a filthy tank top, ripped jean shorts, an old sweater around her waist and a pair of glasses I swear was actually 2 pairs of glasses taped together and the fact she weighs at least 230lbs. And of course I am a very happily married man. Then I proceed to discreatly walk back to my hotel so as not to catch the attention of the guy still whacking it in his car. But I still havent seen a twin turbo vette :D
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