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Guest BlackBimmer
that hyde park looks familar... wait a min i didnt give permission for me to be taped and placed on the Internet im takeing his ass to court... you gotta be fucking kidding me...



Stop being such a TURD Pete! :asshole:

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-I give those tities 4 thumbs down.


IF I was a buckeye fan, I would be embarrased. Since I am not:



And yes all OSU fans are just like this DJ Snooz you all act just like him, you all act and look a like, EDIT: douchebags! Especially the 99 % of fans that have never even applied to this school let alone received a degree from this institution. I say you can be a fan when you graduate from that institution. The same stupid fans say why are you a duke fan if you never went there? When that exact person didn't go to the school they follow, they live there so they can be a fan..... The event yesterday shows it all, when you have an event that treats college players like pros how do you expect them to concentrate on school or act right. Every one of those players are just kids 90% will never be good enough to play pro ball. When all you OSU fans quit treating them like celebrities around here, you might not see their names in headlines for guns, drugs, and violence. The fans contribute to the delinquency of these poor kids like MC. Then you turn on them after the fact and say they are a piece of shit when you had a hand in making them what they are today. That man (MC) helped them win a National Championship for you guys and now most people want him shot and killed? Shame on you, you help him make those dumb decisions by letting him think he was billy bad ass. Everyone had his jersey on back then. Every OSU fan had their man pleaser wrapped around his cock back then. Pretty hard in life not to get a big head with everyone treating you like a god.


SO in the end College sports suck and OSU is Gay, Bring on the NFL where they can be treated like Celebes because they get paid for it, and have the money to waste on these situations so they can get out of them, not just become a victim of the system.


PS fuck you all who argue, I don't care, that is my opinion and fuck off you are not going to change my opinion. :finger:



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