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Finally Dell Certified...


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Well after sitting here with way to much time on my hands I took up the choir of becomming dell certified. I am now certified to fix any dell laptop/desktop. I am working on the servers now. rofl



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Ha, no these tests aren't like that. I take the self assessment tests before hand and the questions are not the same. Well, not all of em anyways. Out of 5 tests, I have only see 3 or 4 questions that were the same. But it is pretty easy stuff..
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Well after sitting here with way to much time on my hands I took up the choir of becomming dell certified. I am now certified to fix any dell laptop/desktop. I am working on the servers now. rofl




Choir? For singing in the commercials, you fruit? Well, hell congratulations. I have here, for you, one PenisColada. Come celebrate. :grin2:

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I was back in the day. I was an onsite tech for Unisys when I lived in cleveland in 99'. I did Dell, Gateway, Micron, E-machine, HP, and anyone else who outsourced onsite tech support. Laptops, Desktops, workstations, switches, servers... that was when the IT industry was actually fun.
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Dell and their certs FTL. Seriously. Dell technicians are by far the worst I've ever seen. Especially the ones from Unisys. I'm not joking. Dell sucks at everything. We've had Dell techs steal shit from my desk, not bring tools (x2), bleed on one of our tech's tools (because the tech forgot to bring them), constanty bringing wrong parts (the last one was supposed to be a CMOS battery, they brought a power supply), and on and on. Dell warranty sucks. Dell computers suck. Dell everything sucks.


On the other hand, IBM and Apple have their shit together. Consistently good service.

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Ow. Poor Ryan. Does that mean he sucks, too? Man, Ryan if I were you I'd tell him to take his damn thundercloud, jam it right up his ass and have it rain on his little gerbil's intestinal parade. :D


Edit: On a side note, it's just after 4 in the morning. Ignore my inane ramblings. On another side not, it still stands!


Edit2: On the other hand, he's mostly right. :p

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I cannot argue. Most of the people I know that are dell certified are worthless. I going to use it as a marketing tool for myself..


Screw everyone else. They may be stupid, but I know I can get the job done.

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Yea, I don't see any tech articles or repair manuals for that thing. Sorry..



Spoken like a true Dell tech...


Dude with the Dell DJ, PM me. They work just like an iPod (which are one piece, and don't have any repair manuals :eek: ). Its just a 2.5" laptop harddrive. I'll take a look at it for you.

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Spoken like a true Dell tech...


Dude with the Dell DJ, PM me. They work just like an iPod (which are one piece, and don't have any repair manuals :eek: ). Its just a 2.5" laptop harddrive. I'll take a look at it for you.


Hey now, I am working on Laptops, desktops, and servers. I know nothing about the Dell DJ's, and I am honest about it..

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