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Guest Turanga

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Guest Turanga
Hi, I'm Jessica. I'm married to Anthony if you didn't know already, and he finally convinced me to sign up so I can see what he spends all day looking at.
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Guest Turanga
Thanks everyone for being so welcoming. I always feel kinda wierd on boards and Anth made me join, he just kind of pulled it up tonight and said ok what do you want your name to be. But you all know him so its all good. Thanks agian
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I'm married to her and she comes out to meets quite often. Posts aren't the only way to SM status.


Plus, she can use her own account instead of taking over mine like she does on a regular basis:)



I'm pretty sure we had a minimum post count requirement. Or is that gone now?

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It was killed when we moved to Vbb considering the vast post count drop that many people encountered. Many SMs that were around from the beginning and posted early on (like Martelle) found themselves locked out of the SM section due to post count restrictions, yet had been around early on.


It was decided at some point (don't recall exactly when):


1) Minimum 300 post count, or;


2) Minimum three years with CR, or;


3) Active member of CR functions


....or a combination therein. There's quite a few members floating around with only a 100 posts or less, yet come out on a regular basis. The majority of said individuals were given SM status upon request due to their regular outside activities, since not all of them take time out from their daily schedule to post, just read.


I've just searched and found exactly 30 members that meet this criteria.

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