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Thanks to IPS


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For allowing us to have a spot to hang out and chill without the cops being able to do anything about.


Guys, please lets keep the trash off of the ground, there are trash cans there for us to put it in. Lets not ruin another spot from trash and also lets not trash IPS business place either.


Again, Thanks to the IPS guys for having us. :)

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sam, no problem at all. in fact we are glad to do it.


that being said there are a few things we need to try and get set-up so that this remains an on-going thing.


the only thing that can end this is our landlord. if he says its over, its over. there have been several complaints of "noise". i am asking that everyone keep away from the south side of the building that we share. there is an ambulance service that is in that space and they are the ones that have a problem with the noise.


so let's say the set of doors to the south of IPS and north is the only part of the lot we use. i will try and get some tape to roll out tonight, or something along those lines. the biggest thing will be self-policing. no need to be dicks, just let people know this is the way it is. no need to crank up the stereo's, and or rev the shit of cars in the lot. i think if we show them that respect they will show us some as well.


i honestly think that the last 2 meets have been great, and i just want to see it keep going. with everyone's help we can all have exactly what we are looking for in a spot, a place to hang out and set-up races.


thanks in advance


IPS Motorsports

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i thought it was a awsome spot, but one thing i think we need to change is not have people going down the road at almost 100+ a few times, maby me but thats not very safe to be doing plus im sure it will cut down on noise
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i thought it was a awsome spot, but one thing i think we need to change is not have people going down the road at almost 100+ a few times, maby me but thats not very safe to be doing plus im sure it will cut down on noise


True.. I wonder who that was? :popcorn:

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i thought it was a awsome spot, but one thing i think we need to change is not have people going down the road at almost 100+ a few times, maby me but thats not very safe to be doing

Good thing there's an ambulance service right next door. Haven't been there, but sounds like they're doing a great public servic.


Question to the public at large; What is the possible reasoning behind reving your engines in a parking lot, or bumping your pimp'dizzle road warior sound systems?

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Question to the public at large; What is the possible reasoning behind reving your engines in a parking lot, or bumping your pimp'dizzle road warior sound systems?


B/c i have a small penis and need to compensate for it...

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More advetising needed I did not know it was so close to me, the short drive is nice, and not around alot of late night shops except the ambulance company, I saw the back garage door open when I went around the back. I'll make sure to keep to the north of the building next time, I will be up there a lot more..
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Thanks IPS! It is nice to have a nice, clean place to meet and hang out. I agree with not playing stereos too loud because thats just fu**ing annoying. The amont of fast cars out last night was incredible. The races were also intense. If you need help with policing, let me know!
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No problem at all. We are glad to have everyone down and things seem to REALLY be picking up. Its nice to have so many "spots" so close and pretty easy access to hop right on the highway if need-be :)


Parking lot clean-up only took about an hour this morning but I would just like to post a reminder to PLEASE use the trash cans we put out in the parking lot. Thanks!


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Thanks so much for a great spot. We need to police ourselves and others there.


Alot of Ricers were there last night and i seen a few jackasses throwing fucking Energy drank cans (Tall thingys) on the ground i told one guy that he needed to put it n the barrel he got lippy saying this is public property and i was not a owner of the lot blah blah blah. I just walked away so i did not have to go all linn on his ass ...



So we need a Method to know whos CR and whos not :) I know the crew of children were not.


I herd the mini van was sprayin a 700 shot.. I mean thats what i herd

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So we need a Method to know whos CR and whos not :) I know the crew of children were not.


I mean it really does not matter who is from cr and who is not to be honest. That meeting spot is for everyone not just CR. The best thing people can do is just what you did, if you see something getting out of hand you say something. I have no problems telling people how it is. Kind of like the guy who said why should I turn my radio down? To which I responded becasue if you don't I will tow your pile out of here.

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Guest HooberSi
So we need a Method to know whos CR and whos not :) I know the crew of children were not.


How would you suggest finding that out?


Bet you couldn't tell I was CR. ;)


Anyways - Yes, thank you IPS Motorsports. A lot of beautiful cars and bikes there last night. Had a good time.

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My old ass made a short appearance last nice and was amazed at the turn out other than some idiot who decided to drive over the curb and thru the grass to get onto the road It seemed that everyone was behaving pretty well.

Was it a an old blue C10? If so, I thought his rear end was done for and I saw about two tires almost fly out. But on a side note the meet last night was incredibly fun. I didn't expect that big of a turn out, although it was my first time out there. It's really nice to have a spot to meet without having to worry about to many complaints. So thanks again IPS for hosting, I will be out again!

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