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El Karacho1647545492

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Only the good die young, he was more then a crazy sumbich.


Irwin, 44 was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest

Though it wasn't any animal that any of us would have guessed would do him in, he certainly went out in the expected manner. You'd have to be hugging the thing to get barbed in the chest.

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Just saw the news on AOL. He was one crazy sob, though, I thoroughly enjoyed his shows. Furthermore, even with his big fuck up holding his child in front of the crocodile he was a good guy, you could tell he was very proud to be a father.
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He took a shot of venom right to his vascular tissue...yet still pulled the barb out by hand before he succomed to its effect.

The man was hardcore.

yeah, his friend/producer said he saw the video and its hard to watch...i wanna see....it'll be on ogrish soon or something.

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They were saying on the radio today that his first mistake was pulling the barb out. They said he still could have lived if he left it in.

If it were just a barb, yess. But, it also injected venom directly into his hear, or his precardial sack. It would have brought about fribrillation immediately. If he was free diving, he probably drowned.

Also, the barb doesn't leave the fish. He would have had to keep the fish with him the whole way up.

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If it were just a barb, yess. But, it also injected venom directly into his hear, or his precardial sack. It would have brought about fribrillation immediately. If he was free diving, he probably drowned.

Also, the barb doesn't leave the fish. He would have had to keep the fish with him the whole way up.


The way i understand it is the barb (which is actually quiet long, 6-8 inches) acts just like an iguana's tail. When used as a defense it leaves the body, the sting ray can grow a new one like a toe nail. That's why i could touch them when i was a kid at busch gardens, they permanantly took the barbs out for safety. Of course, im not an expert on the subject so i guess i could be wrong.

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