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Stupid Bitches cant drive!

Guest hotrodmama024

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Guest hotrodmama024

So i come out of Speedway today, and some bitch bit my rear bumper. I flipped out on her, and she said she couldnt even see scratches on my bumper. I have to paint my whole bumper! Why cant women with kids see a red camaro in her re view mirror? She wanted me to calm down but all i wanted was the dumbass to give me her information before i beat her ass. She continued to try to talk to me about not seeing anything on my car, and i started using the f word was to much. But she pissed me off. I am a women driver, but seriously when i am in the car its all eyes focused. Why is so hard for idiot women to not pay attention???


ps... i am not attacking all women just morons.

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so you're pissed at the woman for trying to reason with you even as you were getting more and more pissed off? who is the moron? yea she should've given you her info, but have some courtesy.


Well from what I read, she wasn't trying to reason with her. She was trying to get out of giving her information because she didn't find it necessary to report it to the cops or insurance. Screw that. Take responsibility for your actions no matter how big or small they are. I find the people who do that have something to hide...

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Guest hotrodmama024
thank you. Granted i was mad as hell for doing something that stupid, but yes, i got pissed and started using foul language after the 5th time i told her to write down her info so i can leave.
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Going off for some one at an accident scene is just about the stupidest thing you can do.

Accident protocol, despite fault:

-Get out, make sure everyone is alright, ask everyone directly.

-Ask for their information once

-if they refuse, get out your phone and call the cops.


end of story, they will give it to you if you threaten to call the po. Arguing and yelling make you look like an idiot. Tough love, and I'm sorry for saying it made you look like an idiot, but somebody had to say it.

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yep it sucks, someone ran a stop sign yesterday and took out the back of my ol' ladys honda. good thing they had ins. but that dumbass jumped out of his van and started screaming that we ran the stop sign and turned around to point at the sign, guess what! we didnt have one and he did. oh it was kinda funny, you should have seen the look on his face. now i hope we just get paid.
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Guest hotrodmama024

i wasnt outside, she hit me parked.


Going off for some one at an accident scene is just about the stupidest thing you can do.

Accident protocol, despite fault:

-Get out, make sure everyone is alright, ask everyone directly.

-Ask for their information once

-if they refuse, get out your phone and call the cops.


end of story, they will give it to you if you threaten to call the po. Arguing and yelling make you look like an idiot. Tough love, and I'm sorry for saying it made you look like an idiot, but somebody had to say it.

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Guest hotrodmama024
nah, so Thorne, do you have that hit video with the sound? i still want that video!! Let me know! Well i am going in for estimates today. They will be writing me a check today too! haha
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Guest hotrodmama024
yes i want one! Ok so the bitch called in after i got my estimate done, denying all charges, but she has to get work done on her car, and she says i didnt have a witness, and the scratches where there before she hit me. wtf????
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