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headed across the pond


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-See if there's a Sawn of the Dead tour, grab a pint in The Winston.

-Check the Top Gear schedule, see if they're doing anything. The track is down by Surrey.

-Punk concert...any punk concert

-Join the locals for a round of "!#%^ you Tony Blair!" at any given university or pub.

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-See if there's a Sawn of the Dead tour, grab a pint in The Winston.

-Check the Top Gear schedule, see if they're doing anything. The track is down by Surrey.

-Punk concert...any punk concert

-Join the locals for a round of "!#%^ you Tony Blair!" at any given university or pub.


Shaun of the Dead? The Winchester?

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i just spent over a month there and hated every day


it's a horrible, horrible place


a local i met there that became a good friend said it best, "you're from the states man. everything there is twice as big, half as cheap and twice as fun as anything here - you're going to be disappointed no matter what you do"




there's plenty of drinking in england - but that's about it

PM me if you want some details

i went to stonehenge (horrible waste of time - they have a fence around it so you can't even walk up to it)



You'll miss cars with v8's in a hurry (or anything more than a lawnmower mower in them)

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