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Glad the Bucks won, but damn they seemed to be missing alot of tackles, and seemed to not beable to stop the rush. I dont care what anyone says Texas is not the team they were last year, hell Vince Young WAS their team last year. If the Bucks are going all they way they need to learn how to tackle better than they were last night.
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Glad the Bucks won, but damn they seemed to be missing alot of tackles, and seemed to not beable to stop the rush. I dont care what anyone says Texas is not the team they were last year, hell Vince Young WAS their team last year. If the Bucks are going all they way they need to learn how to tackle better than they were last night.

gotta give the new D time to develop mang, Iowa is the next concern

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Iowa (w/o Tate) barely beat a Syracuse team that is on a 10 game losing streak. The goal line stand was higly impressive though. After owning an sound offensive team like Texas last night I dont think we'll have much trouble with Iowa. Our defense has some things to improve on but they are starting to gel.
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OSU's defense improved just over the span of the four quarters of the Texas game and immensely over their showing against Northern Illinois. Fuck, they only gave up 7 points - I'll take that out of any defense ANY day. (And Texas shouldn't have had that 7 points - that was one the worst penalty calls that I've ever seen. Sure, maybe 3, but not the 7.) In any event, I think we've been a bit spoiled by OSU's defenses in recent years past - which have been overwhelmingly dominant. I'm satisfied with the defense thus far, though.


Also, sure, Texas isn't the same team they were last year, i.e., they no longer have Vince Young. Okay, I can buy that. However, you also have to concede that OSU isn't the same team either - for instance, no Troy Smith suspension, and no Justin Zwick (who, bless his little high school heart, just doesn't seem able to cut it at the high-profile collegiate level).


Overall, I thought it was a dominating performance by OSU, which clearly established them as the front-runners to reach the national championship game.

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Not saying that OSU didn't show talent, to hold the #2 team to only 7 points (yes should be 3) is saying alot, however they seemed to be very weak against the run, and ALOT of missed tackles. I am sorry but allowing 172 rushing yards and 5.5 yards per rush is not very dominating. Yes the defense was strong when they had to be, I am sure with time this defense will be strong, they sure did improve this week hopefully the trend will continue.



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I'm so happy they won! It was a great game! It could have easily went to Texas, with both teams being young and rated so high, I'm just glad we came out on top.




Oh and just to share... I got new personalized plates last week. Can't believe it wasn't taken.... so if you see me, honk! :) OH1O ST8

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ROFL, i seen a personal plate today at my work that had me cracking up. TD7GINN, and the plate cover around it said Teddy Ginn for Heisman.


I agree with Jeff, we missed a shit load of tackles. This is the second game in a row that we've given up big run plays or easy ass screens. Tilleys on point though, we're used to seeing Carpenter and Hawk busting heads. Its to damn bad that we didnt get Buster Davis :) Some of the powerhouses this year dont have the strongest running game. Aside from WVU and Auburn a lot of the top schools are passing schools. Our secondary shut Sweed and the whole texas crew pretty much down, i like our odds thus far. I'm hoping for a BSC championship game agains WVU, once and for all could I shut my boss up about this matchup. The Big East is weaksause.

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