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Dyno Tune Motorsports

Guest 5.7

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I am sure all know that Brian and his dad are pretty awesome.. I finally got my Cobra back and from there it went down hill with problem after problem, but they were able to fix everything and got it tuned.. and it runs sweet as hell...


actually I take that back.. my belt is slipping and my car isn't boosting as much as it should.. but I am going to grab a idler to fix that..

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Yeah they are awesome. Eric, Brian, and his dad spent a couple of hours trying to replace my spark plugs after my wife flooded my engine..... long story. Since it just needs an idler the car should be ready to go very soon. Congrats on the successful surgery :D
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I'd love to hear about this story, how do you flood a EFI engine these days? PM me if you want.


I had 42# injectors put on, and my wife went to the mechanic to check the car out. The Injectors were set to about 90% (this is all before it was re-tuned). She turned the car on and kept hitting the gas because the car was cutting off and that was the only way to keep it on. She said she was doing that for about 3 minutes with 42# injectors turned up over 90% :( The car was backfiring like crazy, and spitting out raw fuel for a good hour when they finally got it to start. The worst part is that the guy I had working on the car sent it over to dyno tune like that. Considering he is a mechanic he should have A: Stopped her, or B: made sure it could start before having it towed over. I went home that night and spent 5 hours changing the spark plugs again just to be safe. They changed 4 of them there, but the engine was still a little flooded so I replaced those too. Luckily they were all firing ok and I was able to get it tuned that week.

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LOL!!! I knew not to.... the wife on the other hand thought she was doing me a favor by checking my mechanics work. I'm not going to name drop on the mechanic because he has had my back up until this happened. And in her favor she did help me put the plugs in the hard to reach areas. But on the other hand she tried to kill my baby. She's still on punishment :D


Hey Torch, are you going to Norwalk on the 29th???

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