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case of the mondays...

Benyen Soljax

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well i dont have a job yet and zorro had the day off. lucky for us the weather was beautiful and the roads were empty. we found a bunch of freshly paved sections of everyones favorite roads (555, 676, 78, 278, 56) and were loving every minute of it.

a note of warning, if anyone is heading down to hocking by way of 23-56, right as 56 gets really twisty and goes into the woods, theres a couple of rather large sections of gravel. other than that the road was ok.

work still found zorro, even on his day off.


this made the day better...




we got lost trying to find a way home from marietta, mission accomplished.


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Thanks for the route...it was sweet! I think we lucked out by stumbling upon 83 and 284 after getting slightly lost.

I have some slightly bad news...

After we split off, I took 315N. I was dead tired and doing about 80mph in the far left lane. I noticed that I couldn't steer my bike. I was able to switch the far right lane and on to the berm and exited at Lane. I stopped and noticed my rear tire was dead flat. :( I putted home off the freeway. The rim is fine...there's a hole in the top of my tire. Luckily I didnt wreck or get a flat in Marietta! The tire was in need of replacement.

Can you PM me the route we took? Too many numbers to remember...

Thanks again!

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Thanks for the route...it was sweet! I think we lucked out by stumbling upon 83 and 284 after getting slightly lost.

I have some slightly bad news...

After we split off, I took 315N. I was dead tired and doing about 80mph in the far left lane. I noticed that I couldn't steer my bike. I was able to switch the far right lane and on to the berm and exited at Lane. I stopped and noticed my rear tire was dead flat. :( I putted home off the freeway. The rim is fine...there's a hole in the top of my tire. Luckily I didnt wreck or get a flat in Marietta! The tire was in need of replacement.

Can you PM me the route we took? Too many numbers to remember...

Thanks again!

well you needed a new tire anywho.

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