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August 9, 2008

Tyson Plant Reinstates Labor Day


Facing criticism for negotiating a contract that substituted a Muslim holiday for Labor Day as one of the plant’s eight paid holidays, Tyson Foods and the union at its poultry plant in Shelbyville, Tenn., said Friday that they had agreed to reinstate Labor Day as a paid holiday.

In a contract reached in November, the union, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, persuaded Tyson Foods to agree to let the Muslim holiday, Id al-Fitr, replace Labor Day as a paid holiday because many Somali workers at the plant wanted that day off. Of the plant’s 1,000 unionized workers, at least 250 are Somali.

After a Shelbyville newspaper wrote about that contract provision last week, many anti-immigrant groups and conservative bloggers called for a boycott of Tyson, saying the contract betrayed an important American holiday and was an improper concession to Islam.

In a news release on Friday, Tyson said it had asked the union to revise the plant’s contract and restore Labor Day as a paid holiday because some Shelbyville employees had expressed concern about the contract’s provisions.

The revised contract again makes Labor Day a paid holiday but also keeps Id al-Fitr (pronounced eed-al-FIT-tr) — which marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting — as a paid holiday for those who want it. The Muslim holiday will replace a paid personal day. Under the revised agreement, employees who do not want Id al-Fitr off can continue to take a paid personal day of their choice.

“The union is pleased that the will of the workers in Shelbyville to observe and celebrate Id al-Fitr will be guaranteed as a paid holiday,†said Stuart Appelbaum, the union’s president.

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Yea because getting an American national holiday recognized by an American employer is oh so wrong:rolleyes:


When did Tysons not recognize Labor Day....a holiday most modern countries have...that isn't rooted in American tradition but rather a holiday started by Union. Yea you work you deserve a day off! Support your local union!..propaganda anyone?

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When did Tysons not recognize Labor Day....a holiday most modern countries have...that isn't rooted in American tradition but rather a holiday started by Union. Yea you work you deserve a day off! Support your local union!..propaganda anyone?

They made a Muslim holiday a paid vacation day by sacraficing Labor Day, I would say that is not recognizing it.

Oh and thanks for throwing shit in that i did not say nor did i even hint to, all I said was it is a national holiday so why is it wrong for them to recognize it?

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They made a Muslim holiday a paid vacation day by sacraficing Labor Day, I would say that is not recognizing it.

Oh and thanks for throwing shit in that i did not say nor did i even hint to, all I said was it is a national holiday so why is it wrong for them to recognize it?

Because you made a point of "getting an American national holiday recognized by an American employer".

Tysons as a company always recognized it. This plant is the only one that switched PAID holidays. Waaahh. There was a vote, by the union members amusingly enough, with a large majority approving the change at this one plant.

So 80% of the people at this plant said they were ok with the change and due to outside pressure, now it was added as an additional holiday instead. Great fine OK. Now everything at that plant costs more.

Even worse this is a win to anti-immigration groups to begin with. They didn't care about Labor Day not being a paid holiday to begin with. They have a problem with those filthy immigrants coming to America and working in American plants. It was just a convenient excuse for them.

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Fusion has spoken! :rolleyes:

Everyone slink away for he might smite thee.



Fuck off.

pointless return

OBVIOUSLY we all have varying opinions on this matter, but lowering yourself to ad-hominem arguments leaves us with a "edumakated fuckstick" flame war as opposed to a real debate...:slap:

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pointless return

OBVIOUSLY we all have varying opinions on this matter, but lowering yourself to ad-hominem arguments leaves us with a "edumakated fuckstick" flame war as opposed to a real debate...:slap:

You're right. I wasn't even going to respond except it was at least the second same type response he's made to one of my comments recently. My original response was actually a rather large rant about logical fallacies constantly used in these types of discussions, the ad-hominem response and not lowering myself to the same, but then I said ahhhh screw it, here you go... :lol:

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Thanks to Tyson for changing a policy that is a slap in the face for any 'real American.' Fusion sounds like Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, the propaganda minister for the late Sadam. An American is not a bigot because he demands respect for recognized American customs and holidays. So this is a win for anit-immigrants and Al Sharpton type loonies? That’s quite an attack on millions of Americans that came to protest after learning about the changes at Tyson. American's must preserve some basic customs that should never be changed for anybody. Mr. Fusion, what do you wish for next? American women required to be covered in the burka under the requirement of law? I mean, not enforcing this Islamic law that is commonly found in the Arab world may offend some immigrants also...

Thankfully not every American feels that the liquidation of our culture and values is essential to make immigrants feel welcome. I love America and I wish to share this great country with anyone who wishes. However, if you fail to respect our basic laws and customs you can take a hike. After all, "I'm a patriot in the truest sense of the word." I'll let Fusion research and see what man said this.

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how is "labor day" a part of our basic laws and customs?

and how is one plant instituting a holiday for thier workers equate to changing laws?

a lot of non-sequitors there bbop...

During times of war, hatred becomes quite respectable, even though it has to masquerade often under the guise of patriotism.

and one of my favorites...

I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.

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Thanks to Tyson for changing a policy that is a slap in the face for any 'real American.' Fusion sounds like Muhammed Saeed al-Sahaf, the propaganda minister for the late Sadam. An American is not a bigot because he demands respect for recognized American customs and holidays. So this is a win for anit-immigrants and Al Sharpton type loonies? That’s quite an attack on millions of Americans that came to protest after learning about the changes at Tyson. American's must preserve some basic customs that should never be changed for anybody. Mr. Fusion, what do you wish for next? American women required to be covered in the burka under the requirement of law? I mean, not enforcing this Islamic law that is commonly found in the Arab world may offend some immigrants also...

Thankfully not every American feels that the liquidation of our culture and values is essential to make immigrants feel welcome. I love America and I wish to share this great country with anyone who wishes. However, if you fail to respect our basic laws and customs you can take a hike. After all, "I'm a patriot in the truest sense of the word." I'll let Fusion research and see what man said this.

Get back to me when you can not leap to illogical conclusions through the use of false premises.

My comment on anti-immigrants and Al Sharpton style tactics is in direct response to this from the article, "many anti-immigrant groups and conservative bloggers called for a boycott of Tyson" The article doesn't say millions of protesters spoke out against Tysons. It makes the specific point of stating anti-immigrant groups and conservative bloggers.

You sound like an isolationist more than anything I think. This country was built on immigration and migration. A part of that is a "melting pot" of different cultures and customs. No one called for a changing of law. No one removed Labor Day from Tysons' calendar.

To be a patriot is to question. Otherwise you are just a sheep.

Guess where this quote is from. Have you sworn it? I have.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

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