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Parking lot etiquette (a bit of a rant )


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This may end up in the kitchen. I will try it here and see if it can stay civil.


What I'm talking about is how people move their vehicle through the parking lot; whether it’s a bike, car, or truck. Doing 40 MPH in a crowded area is nothing short of foolish and asking for something to happen. I saw this way too often last night at IPS. That area is going to be crowded, this is a given. Ego’s with the need to hear themselves rev in front of everyone need to know they are being laughed at. Loud does not = fast. Accelerating in the parking lot to show how quick your pent up beast is, does nothing. No one will ever come up to you later and say that was awesome. If your beast is fast go out and race it. Don’t drive fast and get someone hurt. Let alone if you hit someone else’s beast.


If you are trying to move threw the lot and people are in the way, a quick horn blast and a friendly get the hell out of the way so I don’t hit you look, will do fine. Me, turning around to see your Toyota Tracel wedged up against my leg is ridicules; especially when you have 52 people in the car. Even a head out the window with a, hey dude I’m backing up, would work. If your friend is acting like a tool, correct him/her.


It’s not my parking lot, so I can’t say you can do this or can’t do that. However, I would like to here some feed back about how everyone feels about alcohol at these gatherings. I think there is no need for it. When I see someone walking around drinking, the only thing going threw my mind is when are we leaving to go somewhere else. If you are for the drinking, help me understand its purpose around a gathering of cars.


Yes, people in the center of the lot need to be aware of their surroundings. But, we all know when someone is blatantly trying to be an ass. These gatherings are not a tough guy contest. The fuck you this is me approach will not get you respect. We all know that means a lot (I’m being serious). If you have a shit box, that’s fine. Be a cool guy and know your place. If you are running around talking down cars that are faster than yours or just running your mouth in general, it’s going to catch up with you. Some of the coolest people I have met threw CR; don’t have “fast” cars. What they do have is personality.


Thanks to IPS for opening their parking lot for us to gather. Let's not ruin it.

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Amen :D


The booze needs to stop, immediately. I've had the bad luck to witness one alcohol related street racing accident, that's plenty. There's alot of risk involved in street racing, we dont need booz'hubris involved as well.


are you talking about the guy who almost ran us over in gahanna?

I almost got killed that night....


if your going to drink stay home please....

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What happened to kicking fucks like that out of the lot, since that is an option now?


Sounds like it is going downhill like the other 75 spots we have had.




See that was my big question. Crowd control :confused: this would fix 90% of everyones bitching. NOt letting in car loads of kids in the lot, and anyone that has alcohol. (AS the cops are rolling thru the lot and people start moving towards there cars, and all i heard was lots of beer bottles getting knocked over :mad: ) Granted this would mean arming each entrance, with people checking everyone coming in and out. but then how do you tell who is who?

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Linn guarding the entrance ? Chuck norris at the other.


honestly i posted it in the other thread and i will post it here.


CR stickers

OR even

IPS vinal because most people cant get vynal made.

I've got a friend who will eather do ir for free for a 100 or so sticker type things or for a small small fee.

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came out last night with my slow horse.. damn i never saw so much FUBU on white people since my last Eminiem concert. cops involved would probly be the best bet hell the one cop was like "i dont really care you guys are here i wanted to stop by to see the cars untill the fight"... i would say if you could block of the entrances that can be and use some sort of sticker then it would be a start, but seriously i can tell when a car pulls into a place if hes there to race or to be a dick and think we can all agree with that.
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I love Thorne's idea (maybe because I have an IPS sticker?). I'm all for invite only if it comes to that too. Most of these people just have no respect for anyone, I think the only way to fix that is just to get them the hell out of there.
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