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how can ya get a car towed? laws? permit?


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These jackasses across the street keep parking across the alley from my parking garage (they park in front of their own garage - blocking in each other's roommates)


It means that i can't pull my car out of the garage, as i need some space to swing the rear-end of the car

(it's a tight fit into the small garages around here, ya gotta pull straight out more or less)


it drives me nuts when i'm walking to the garage at 8 am and need to be somewhere at 8:30




does anyone know the law on towing?

Someone told me that i have to get a permit to be able to call a tow company and have someone towed

Do you have to own the garage, lease it? Own the house? Ya even need a permit?


Anyone with experience?




(i hate to do this, but i've left several notes - ranging from nice at first to...not so nice)

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Talk to them. Notes are ok for the first try. Your notes didn't work so you have to confront them and make them as uncomfortable as you are. They may just not give a damn and from there you might end up in a shitty situation. I would suggest checking the space early enough in the morning so you can go pound on their door and make them move it. I would do this often.


If they are real asses then I'd have to hit the " I don't give a fuck" button on this one. Not that it's right, but fuck it, get them towed if they are being an ass. So what if you have to pay for it. They are going to fucked for a car and have to get it out of impound. Then they can come after you for the $105. Who cares. You would have made your point. Now they have to deal with this head ache too. Something will work out with it. Fight, maybe. Doing something to your place or car while your not home, maybe. Depends on the people. It would be worth it to me if I've been nice about something to go this route. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just saying sometimes I don't care. Good luck. My .02

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well, it seems like 13 people live over there


so if it isn't one car, it's another

or the neighbor's car, or some random person going to the OSU game

Or one of my roommates not being able to park in his outside spot, which makes him park elsewhere - and the chain reaction starts

(so my roommates are interested as well - they supposedly have guaranteed parking with a pass...and their spots are usually taken)


i live close to high street so it gets insane


i sure wouldn't park in front/behind someone's garage

so i feel little sympathy for others doing it

i've already been stuck in the garage a few times and i'm tired of it - i pay good $$ for monthly parking in that garage

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yea, we've had a problem with the landlord not really caring

he has tended to not contact towing companies because he doesn't want people yelling at him over it (when they get towed)


however, he gives parking passes and advertises guaranteed parking

you don't learn about the parking issue until you live here. . .


i'm halfway lucky with the garage, but it's annoyed me enough that i need to do something about it



hopefully it won't come down to my 100 pound metal bumper vs their 18 ounce plastic bumper

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i would make a face to face first

if that doesent work hail one of the 95679843 toe trucks that roll down high st every day. im sure they would be happy to inform you what your rights are and arnt.


and even more happy when you slip em 20$ to toe the assholes car.

campus parking is a warzone.take no prisoners


that being said, i assume you are going to be living at your current residence till september of next year...as will your neighbors; be weary of repercussions

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Just park there instead of them when you see it's free. If they come to bitch give them the same 'oh its a friend of a friend who had a pass but has to leave it to go to the osu game but has class til 10 and is on crutches and blah blah blah...'


Tasting one's own medicine is often enough to unplug the deepest head from one's ass.

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as will your neighbors; be weary of repercussions


I was waiting until someone said it. You can write all the notes you want but it wont work from here on out. worse off is that they know who you are now, so if indeed you do tow and their mad enough, it would be field day on your car while your at home asleep. It sounds like they dont take your seriously or just dont give a shit what you think, make them change their mind.


Pay some ghetto ass thug 20$ to break in and steal their stereo. Then every time they park there again, call your thug for hire for a repeat incident. As long as it can't be traced back to you, you should be ok. ok maybe that's a bit extreme but you get the idea.

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whell, i ended up calling the tow company signs that are posted everywhere

they'll tow as much as we want them to - but they need permission from the owner first


evidently there is a 'tow code'

and owners must give permission or call when they have individual tows and give that code - otherwise they're not allowed to




i have a sneaking suspicion that our landlord has told other properties owned by them to park in our lot if they can't find parking

i'm gonna have to start bitching

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Is the "guaranteed parking" written into your lease? Does the landlord own the other building? I'd get on the landlord, hound him day and night to protect your access to and from the space you are paying for. If he isn't helping, he's probably in violation of the terms of the lease then, and you can get your rent placed into escrow until he complies with the terms of the contract. Getting landlords money taken away from them tends to focus their attention, especially if the city/county/state gets involved.
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