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Welcome to American Rice Baby

Guest zerograde1

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Guest zerograde1
Yeah Yeah Yeah we all know sunfires, cavaliers, zx3&2s, and neons are all american rice. Well I became one of those lonely souls about 3 years ago back before I knew anything about cars. Now I drive a 01' pontiac sunfire, AUTO, 4 door with a short ram and exhaust. Suprisingly to everyone I run into that thinks I have a fart can become mistakingly wrong it is a true muffler style. Anyways getting off the point here. Knowing what I know now I hate american rice it makes me sick to my stomach. I rather drive either a 350z or VW R32. The 350 might soundl ike I'm trying to hard to be something that I'm not but it seems everyone on this forum is shooting for large displacement in the american muscle aspect of things. I have lived in columbus and went to DeVry University, but due to circumstances beyond my control I moved back to Moundsville WV. I miss columbus soo much I will moving back there in the next 9-12 months. I hope by then I have a new car and I can contribute to columbus racings community.
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Yeah Yeah Yeah we all know sunfires, cavaliers, zx3&2s, and neons are all american rice. Well I became one of those lonely souls about 3 years ago back before I knew anything about cars. Now I drive a 01' pontiac sunfire, AUTO, 4 door with a short ram and exhaust. Suprisingly to everyone I run into that thinks I have a fart can become mistakingly wrong it is a true muffler style. Anyways getting off the point here. Knowing what I know now I hate american rice it makes me sick to my stomach. I rather drive either a 350z or VW R32. The 350 might soundl ike I'm trying to hard to be something that I'm not but it seems everyone on this forum is shooting for large displacement in the american muscle aspect of things. I have lived in columbus and went to DeVry University, but due to circumstances beyond my control I moved back to Moundsville WV. I miss columbus soo much I will moving back there in the next 9-12 months. I hope by then I have a new car and I can contribute to columbus racings community.


You = dumbass.


Don't associate all american 4 cylinders with your piece of shit.

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Hey guys so like I have this car and I don't really like it but my DOG likes to ride in the back and I like to take him for walks and he chases rabbits which is really COOL but anyway so yea I have this car. It's not really great I wish I had a different car like my friend criag who has this cat that is really sweet it chases its tail which is FUNNY and we hang out at his house and play playstaion all the time and then we sometimes watch porno WOW porno is cool and this one time he slipped and fell down the stairs and his penis went into my ass because I was at the bottom of the stairs and at first I was like HEY man thats not cool but then it felt kinda good so he kept doing it and I saw this 350z the other day man thats a great car. So yea I just wanted to say hi and let you guys know about my lame american four cylinder it sucks and it's lame and I hate it but some day I hope to grow up and have a cool car like you guys but oh hey my mom is calling I need to take the garbage out before I go see my dentist today hes cool but only drives a VOLVO which I guss is cool and all but not really that cool so yea.
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Hey guys so like I have this car and I don't really like it but my DOG likes to ride in the back and I like to take him for walks and he chases rabbits which is really COOL but anyway so yea I have this car. It's not really great I wish I had a different car like my friend criag who has this cat that is really sweet it chases its tail which is FUNNY and we hang out at his house and play playstaion all the time and then we sometimes watch porno WOW porno is cool and this one time he slipped and fell down the stairs and his penis went into my ass because I was at the bottom of the stairs and at first I was like HEY man thats not cool but then it felt kinda good so he kept doing it and I saw this 350z the other day man thats a great car. So yea I just wanted to say hi and let you guys know about my lame american four cylinder it sucks and it's lame and I hate it but some day I hope to grow up and have a cool car like you guys but oh hey my mom is calling I need to take the garbage out before I go see my dentist today hes cool but only drives a VOLVO which I guss is cool and all but not really that cool so yea.



Chris, this is by far the funniest thing I have seen you post.

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Guest zerograde1
Ok, yeah alright I thought this was about cars for one, not grammar(mojoe). I didn't say all american cars with four cylinders were bad(i.e. SRT-4'S" I dont consider those neons", cobalt SS, ect.). Let me rephrase the term "rice" over here in the Tri-state it might be different than over in columbus. Like I have stated before I havent been over there in a long time, not to mentiom when I was there I didnt see any american four cylinders that were mind blowing. I talk to some St. C people over here there really isn't that much of a race scene around here let alone me racing a car that is nothing more than a commuter car. So the fact that I drive a sunfire is just welcoming all kinds of ricer bashing, go ahead I know I deserve it. If some people are angry at the fact I called a few select models as "rice" it's because apparently no one on this forum has been anywhere around the tristate. That's all we have are half assed cars moslty like cavaliers, sunfires, and neons. I'm sorry if you all take offense to my grammar and my use of the word "rice", but frankly I don't care about my grammar I figured since this wasn't an english major forum, but a car forum you wouldn't read it like a term paper. As far as rice is concerned I will continue to think the way I do until proven wrong. So feel free to bring down my "rice" ride cause I know it sucks, but what do you expect from a full time student working at pizza hut as a delivery driver who pays for his schooling himself. In my area unless mom and dad bought your car you are going to be just like me. Well I hope this makes you understand my previous statement and I am sorry for any offensive grammar I have made you sit through. I also I hope I have made it easier to understand me better.
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Guest zerograde1
No, your right it's not determined by model of the car. It is just around here the mentallity is that if you can slap a fart can, intake, and a huge aluminum wing it will make you a fast. It just seems that the demographic of my area's "rice" is american made four cylinder engines.We do however have to compete with the unnecessarily jacked up trucks with basically just headers as a means of exhaust. Like I said before because of what we have over here I call a different thing rice than what people in big cities with an actual racing community would. I'm not saying we dont have jap rice, but just mostly cavy's, sunfires, and neons(not srt-4s).
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Guest zerograde1
I do not have current pictures of the beast but I can post some today. The thing is me being a pizza delivery driver and a full time student, I beat the car up alot and it is by far a POS. I mean I did what I could for a poor kid and his sunfire. Soo feel free to make fun of it when I bring the pics. Like the title of this thread says "American Rice Baby!!!"
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Holy fucking shit balls! Welcome to the board. Your initial post portrayed you as a wanna be thug, sporting a Mr. T starter kit. Your replies have shown that you are able to format complete sentences using the English language. Car guys or not; clear communication is a must. Communicating effectively on the internet is the only way to have people take you seriously. Maybe that is just my opinion.


Anyways; given your replies and ability to take one on the chin, welcome.


We are auto enthusiasts. It is not so much the car you drive as the person you are.

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