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anyone used NO2 and CE2 Stack


i have heard great things about it, and am considering giving it a try. but want to see if anyone on here has used it and gotten good results.


i work out 4-5 times a week wiht about an hour an a half to 2 hours of weight lifting and an hour and a half of cardio.

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I wouldnt waste 160 bucks at GNC on that. this is coming from a guy who worked there 2 years and sold it on a daily basis.



i've heard great things about BSN-Explode and Cellmass


supps i've tried that i liked:(creatine wise)





supps that sucked balls-thermolife crE2

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Ive been using them for many years now. Customer service is even better than NewEgg.




2 hours of lifting!? You need to increase your intensity and decrease your volume. There is a diminishing return in lifting at that happens around the 45min mark if you are doing it properly. Let your muscles rest and rebuild.

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what do you recommend for someone who has cut about 70 pounds and is looking to turn the remaining body mass into muscle. Definately around the chest area. So i guess something that still cuts weight but builds muscle.


Either choose to put on muscle first and lose weight later or vs versa. Trying to do both will result in meager results on both sides. Figure out your priorites then lift and cardio accordingly.

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i do rest in between reps, and different lifts. so its not a constant 2 hours... i would say total actual lifting time is about an hour.. i am just going at how long im at the gym total lol.


the no2 ce2 pack is only like $45 for a 10 day trial, and i work with someone who used it who said he notice da difference in that he can do more reps and more weight within those 10 days of use.


i didnt know if it was worth the try or not.


he is like 40 and has been lifting and into fitness for a while.


he read up alot on it, and has tried it.. .says its the best thing on the market.


whatever whatever


it seems some poeple say it works great others say it hasnt done anyting for them


i guess it depends on the person.


i have found a super deal on some scitec products anyone heard of the scitec g-kick pre workout mix??

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i am currently taking in about 1800 - 2000 caories a day, right now im supplementing with, protein shakes 3 times a day, and im also using lean out fatburners.


my diet is pretty decent, high protein low carb, some fruit, as little fat as possible.

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i am currently taking in about 1800 - 2000 caories a day, right now im supplementing with, protein shakes 3 times a day, and im also using lean out fatburners.


my diet is pretty decent, high protein low carb, some fruit, as little fat as possible.


Up your clean calorie intake, keep up with the proteins.


Ive never wasted money on supps before. Clean calories + eating rite through out day + protein = winner

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Either choose to put on muscle first and lose weight later or vs versa. Trying to do both will result in meager results on both sides. Figure out your priorites then lift and cardio accordingly.


Well i think im pretty much at the weight i want to be so i guess i want to build muscle now. Im just still flabby in the chest so i didnt know if there was a way to cut fat around there while building muscle.

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Well i think im pretty much at the weight i want to be so i guess i want to build muscle now. Im just still flabby in the chest so i didnt know if there was a way to cut fat around there while building muscle.


Only noobs or people injecting some pro-hormone can effectively increase lean muscle mass while decreasing fat. The old notion that fat turns into muscle is a hillarious myth. Hillarious.


I also believe that most supplements are a waste. Too many people ignore the basics and invest money in those things that will only fine tune your work out or fitness goals. It's akin to buying an expensive EMS without beefing up the actual physical mechanics of your car. If you eat right and use your gym time most effectively already then the drugs might help you, otherwise put in the wrech time first before you start pouring money into something that isnt going to do much.


The only otc drugs I would take:





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is ephidrine still OTC?

id agree most suppliments are a waste.

only ones id consider are creatine and a multivitamin


caffine and ephidrine may aid in weightloss, but will not make you stronger and actually impeade strength.


-Ephedrine is becoming excessively hard to get. It is actually easier to get Clenbuterol which is 10x more powerful (read: deadly) and supposedly more illegal.


-Of course diuretics dont aid in muscle gain.

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-Ephedrine is becoming excessively hard to get. It is actually easier to get Clenbuterol which is 10x more powerful (read: deadly) and supposedly more illegal.


-Of course diuretics dont aid in muscle gain.



Ephedrine is back and all over the place. I see it at gas stations all the time.


The ECA stack is the way to go if anyone is cutting!!!

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