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Maynard James Keenan

El Karacho1647545492

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Is a cool guy.


Just got home from the Tool/Isis show. Got to meet the whole gang. Danny is fucking huge.


My cousin is the bassist for Isis, so he got us backstage post-show.



Maynard's bus is fuckin nuts...its huge and black and has white knives painted on it. And he's totally reclusive.


Anyways, yeah...I maybe said a word to him and vice versa, but it still puts me ahead of all you fuckers. And if you're wondering, he likes heineken.

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Isn't he a crazy dude. Honestly, though, they're all awesome guys...Danny/Justin's bus is full of Heineken, Red Stripe, and Newcastle...it was like heaven for me.


Speaking of Newcastle. I tried it based on seeing it in your sig. I must say, it tasted like ass. Don't do that again, :mad: . :D

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yeah i hate big venues. this place held about 20,000, but my cousin hooked me up and got me a several rows back in the center section. they were actually better than front row because i got to see the side screens with all the sweet animations (which adam does himself, by the way).
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I was only kidding about having drinks with the band in Japan. I did that with Sharyl Crows band though in 1995 (I think). I was planning on messing with you after your next replay, but ended up have to be away from the computer all day. bad joke. Didn't want to be a lier.
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