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Home Invasion


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i had a home invasion happen..unfortunately the gun wasnt where i left it....and a small hostage situation ensued.....theres a lot to be said for a big doberman


Wow that is scary. I know exactly where my 12 gauge is and I hope I never have to use it.... since it may go through them and into my wall. I dont want to have to clean THAT up...



By the way what are the opinions on a good shotgun to buy for home defense?


Gander Mountain, 12 gauge short, pump action shotgun for $150.

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it will definitely do damage, but it won't be leathal to family in the next room with bird shot. that's what Cheney shot his hunting partner with. handguns are fine, but not the best for home defense. more unsafe than safe for many reasons.


A 12 gauge will do damage at more than 20-30 feet. when im out hunting, usually anything within 40 yards is what i deem "shot worthy"...anything outside of that range is too far for it to be a) accurate and b) penetrating. i have actually been thinking about getting a small handgun for home protection. i dont live in the worst area, but at the same time, its not the best...a lot of the appts are filled by section 8 i-pay-4$-a-month-for-rent-but-can-put-22's-on-my-shit-impala people. ive seen enough crap going on out the window that im not going to wait until something happens to get active
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never shoot to wound....always shoot to kill. dead people can't take the stand and survivors always lie. just make sure you shoot them facing you.


Fire a warning shot if anything...if they don't run, then you at least have a solid self defense story. Say nothing but "you were in fear for your life" shut up and call a lawyer. You'll get off...my wife is an attorney and she's saved more than survivor on the stand her days of practicing.



I've said it myself if they break in I'll put a 44 caliber hole in them, but in your house or not, you shoot 'em and you have a good chance of residing with the dept of corrections while they live in your apartment for $4 a month. Shoot 'em in the leg and make a blood trail, don't shoot to kill or you could end up as bubba's bitch!
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