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9-5ers' Healthy lunches?


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reading this reminds me i need to get my ass back into the gym soon...winter is always the time of year when i gain weight...i got down to 193ish a few weeks ago when i was broke and wasnt eating much (i know i wasnt losing good weight) but already i can see it coming back.
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Arby's Market Fresh Sandwhiches

Wendy's has salads

Subway can sometimes be healthy...

Pasta at the work cafeteria

Chicken dinner


I'm wierd though, I eat a lot of food at lunch but not much of anything at dinner time.

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Guest 78novaman

The key is sugar. I lost 30+lbs (270ish to 240ish)in one summer by not eating any artificial sugar or high fructose corn syrup and by keeping most of the portion sizes down.


Breakfast: Total or Cheerios.


Lunch: pack ham & cheese (fresh deli only) or PB & preservatives instead of jelly, an apple, bananna, grapes, etc. and some crackers or pretzals.


Dinner: either subway w/lots of veggies, jersey mikes, chinese with steamed rice, or noodles. Sometimes I will cook up some steaks, burgers, homemade fries, etc.


My biggest problem is I don't move around a lot at work. Then whenever I want to ride bikes or whatever, the fiance never wants too. Typical lol.

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