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Xbox 360 Opinions


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i honestly think the girlfriend is way more excited about this game then i am. but that is a good thing its nice finding new things that we can enjoy together.

Any recommendations for a game on the 360 that you can customize your cars quite a bit.



if i were you i would just wait until next month and get Forza 2

it's customization heaven!

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Ohio_wookie, I am well aware of the purpose of the cell proc. My statement is Coders are just now getting used to writing for Multithreaded apps/games. Intern causes some grief since the cell proc fast but its instruction set is lacking so things that other procs including the 360's PPC(alost a g5) could do in say 1-2 instructions the ps3 takes 2-4. Meaning code has to be changed for this. As for you blueray texture argument,


Pc's have 256MB of just video memory meaning you can load much higher textures being that very few games take up more then 9gigs one could infer that blueray is a waste for gaming right now and probaly for the next 3 years . So the added cost of the blueray drive ends up being a complete and utter waste. Since the new standard is not set you get this and you don't even get a good usable HD PLAYER if blueray fails or if hd fails.


And btw pc's Videocards are still faster because of th eextra memory dev's have to work with .


The Cells power core is the same power core as the 360s ibm ppc, so they share the same exact instruction set. what your thinking of is the amount of instruction it takes to send the floating point information to the spes. which the spes floating point performance (which doubles that of the 360s) completely out weighs the few more instructions. and even though this all becomes complicated the compiler takes care of everything. theres only a few things that the coders have to deal with. and as far as every one still getting used to the multithread programming, the 360 and ps3 programmers are going to face the same challenges.


i understand where your coming from with the blu ray stuff, but like i said before im just going off possiblities.

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I will be the first to say I'm sad i wanted a ps3 but i refuse to pay a outragoue price for a item that could be the end of sonys gaming division we could see them become a sega. Were i think the Wii which is not the greated specs has a great chance because of the pirce.
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there something we can agree on. it is a shame that it will end like this. ive been a playstation fan scince the first one came out over 10 years ago. but i guess that its ok seeing that at least when next 'next gen' systems come out there will be one less console to chose from. what could end up sucking is if nintendo and microsoft got into bed together, they have both been telling everyone to avoid the ps3 and spend the same amount of money on a 360 and a wii. if that happens microsoft will have a monopoly on video games.
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Sony will not stop the Playstation.. at least not in Japan. Even though here everyone is talking about how pricey it is, over there they are excited about the technology and it will no doubt outsell anything else over there. They are gadgetphiles(yes a made up word but you get the point). That's why they have much cooler stuff over there, no one here is willing to pay the price. Even on 'EnGadget', a site devoted to the stuff, they took a poll, and most people would rather just have a simple phone to call with than a super high tech beast that can do a little of everything. Personally I like shit like that(rocking the LG VX 9800 FTW), and that's why I would certainly buy one after the first price drop. Plus, I heard that the online stuff is gonna be free.. if that's true then I'm in.



Oh..... and expensive ass games FTL (they better all be amazing for those prices). I don't like paying $60 for my 360 games. So far none have let me down though.


**Disclaimer: I was tired and/or drunk at the time of this post, therefore am not responsible for it's content.

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