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Tinman, and anyother RX-7 guys

Rally Pat

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The guy is still out of town, but told me I could go look at the car without him there. So today after work, he gave me his address and I began the short trip to Hilliard (in the pissin rain might I add). The car is at this giant maze of an apartment complex. Anyway, it was open so I sat in it. The shifter was pretty limp, and the gears were in an awkward position (is that normal RX people?). On top of that, my friend Joe and I couldnt get the hood open. Other than those two things, the car was in pretty good shape aside from some rust spots here and there.
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Lets just say that for now, I think I found a much better suited replacement for the car I just looked at (evil grin). I will reveal it when the time comes.Lets say that I found an ungodly deal on a FC in 600% better condition than that. ;)
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