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North Korea Nuclear test


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Yeah, this is some crazy shit. They want us to lift the economic sanctions and the blocks on banks funding N. Korea. They also want us to sit down and resume talks with them. WTF? If we don't they might launch a nuke at us. These are some fucked up times. Can we say Soviet Union?????
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As twisted as this sounds, I feel that if China was attacked once, that they would go in and do all the dirty work that the U.S. is afraid to do, or can't do. China is not to be fucked with either. Pissing them off would be a bad thing for ol' Kim Jong Il. Same goes for terrorists. I wish they'd piss off China so they'd get involved in this whole 'War on Terror.'
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If NK does something drastic in direct violation to what China wishes i dont think we have to worry about making NK a crator they will do it themselves.

But i think something definately needs to be done VERY quickly that country should not be throwing around threats of nuclear attacks without major consiquences.(sp)

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Anyone else noticed through out history as long as a leader kills off his own people, everyone is kind of okay with it, it's when they invade other countires that the world gets involved.


Problem with nuclear weapons is we're semi-aware of what they're capable of, and everyone knows it's their trump card. Some people want to hold nuclear weapons so people take them seriously. I don't think they keep the same mentality as say the U.S. or China of 'we have these to be a world power, not to really use them.'


But because of nuclear weapons, no more territory will be gained or lost in the world. Especially if everyone has the bomb.


And it really doesn't help with the 'officials' going around saying how many countless lives were saved at Hiroshima. Because without the bombs, the war would of went on longer and maybe even four times as many lives could of been lost.


I imagine North Korea as the guy who robs the liqour store with a hand gun 'you have to take me seriously I have a weapon.' Where I see the U.S. and China as the clerk thinking to himself 'take what you need to, but if you dabble to much, slip up, or do something I don't like, I'll going to dive for my shotgun and just start blasting away and hope for the best possible outcome.' i.e. lots of destruction but no casulties.

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I don't see China as being pissed. they are making political statements like diplomats always do. Things like "We are outraged by your actions" Don't mean as much to me as just calling in the generals and staging for an assault. Its just like the rest of the UN always do when things get ugly. They make there threats, pass there resolutions, stall for time while the boys in the US get to go fight and die to make the rest of the world stable. hell WWI would never have even ended the way the europeans were hanging out in those trenches playing card games with the enemy. I saw on history channel that officers had to go act as snipers to keep the hate going between the men. It was nuts. Just get the job done and go home. That should be the Marines slogan.



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I don't see China as being pissed. they are making political statements like diplomats always do. Things like "We are outraged by your actions" Don't mean as much to me as just calling in the generals and staging for an assault.




Never said they would attack, just they they will be the first to take action because they were already discussing not importing any type of food into N Korea since China is their largest supplier.

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Kim Jong Il is a lunatic, but a highly educated lunatic. You would be surprised what we know about him. I would not trust that man with a sling shot. And if you really want to blame someone how about Clinton who gave him millions of dollars for food which the ol boy up north promply spent on building his military. We can point the finger at anyone we want but it all comes down to he was gonna do what he wanted anyway, because the UN won't allow much more than sanctions these days, when all some of these people need is a swift kick in the ass.
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