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Orion (DJ) at Verizon.

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The :wtf: was towards you good sir. In response to


I think I heard that DJ was back and that he should be on here checking the board but I don't know if he will post on here or not.


nearly two hours after


replied. sorry i havent been on here much lately. fell free to send me pms, i will still be checking them.


london = kinda cool

dublin ireland= fuckin pimp.



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no, i think kevin didnt catch the joke


Actually, I did. But, seeing as the internet doesn't speak to me, I wasn't sure if there was sarcasm there or not.


If you are referring to the post-whoring comment, I didn't think he was joking.



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no, i think kevin didnt catch the joke


You're right, he didn't catch the joke - either of them. Not entirely his fault, though; text has a way of killing the pragmatics of speech.


Actually, I did. But, seeing as the internet doesn't speak to me, I wasn't sure if there was sarcasm there or not.


If you are referring to the post-whoring comment, I didn't think he was joking.




No, I was joking on both. I thought you would pick up on them; the first because, well, yes, DJ had posted two hours earlier, and the second because we know you weren't post whoring when you did that. Oh well. :)

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No, I was joking on both. I thought you would pick up on them; the first because, well, yes, DJ had posted two hours earlier, and the second because we know you weren't post whoring when you did that. Oh well. :)


:D I got the first one but decided to take a risk.


The second I thought you had all the sudden taken a strong stand against post-whoring.


Carry on.

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:D I got the first one but decided to take a risk.


The second I thought you had all the sudden taken a strong stand against post-whoring.


Carry on.


Yeah, no, have you seen any of my random posts with Ewoks in them? I have no business accusing anyone of being a postwhore.


Speaking of Ewoks, this thread has generated into such randomness that I think it needs one...

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