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Lawyer: OMVI


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stats say the average person drives under the influence at least 88 times per year


Who the fuck drinks 88 times a year? There's only 52 weeks in a year. So how many people are drinking every damn week? And most of the time more than once a week. Let alone driving after. Really; if this number is real, that's pretty fuckin scary.

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Thanks i was waiting till someone would admit it.


In all seriousnesss, your fucked if you get a DUI no matter what there is no "getting out of it". HOWEVER, you can manage the severity of the consequence's by having GOOD legal representation.


pretty much how it is.

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tell him to not waste his money and get a state appointed one. Hes toast either way.


HAHAHA yeah fucking right. you think a state appointed attorney who makes like 35K a year, plus has about 358614 other cases to deal with is going to do a good job, or truly CARE about your case for that matter?


RE the original post:


paul scott

(614) 221-1578

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damn people its a DUI in which he was only .01 over. I could walk up to the prosecuter and say "I have a clean record, this is not a habit, and I was only slightly over. Could you drop it down?" Thats what a lawyer would say....not gonna matter if you pay them thousands or its free. The prosecutor deals with about 100 of DUIs per day. They aren't going to care what lawyer makes the deal, why not make it with one they work with everyday.

I am not saying a state appointed lawyer is the way to go everytime, but in this case I think it is. If your in a case that needs some research or some savy, then yes go pay for a lawyer. But whatever.......not like I see it everyday.

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Yeah your right......let me know when he loses his DL and paid thousands of dollars for it. Ask if it was worth it then.



You say he never drinks and drives because his parents were killed by a DUI driver, but yet he has been charged with a DUI. Anybody that gets behind the wheel while under the influence is a piece of shit......I don't care if its thier first time or last. If they hit my family they are as good as dead anyway.


The amount of people that walk into my office and say I will never do it again or it was my first time is crazy. The average person drives drunk 100 times before actually geting caught.


I am getting sick of seeing these threads about DUIs and what do I do. How about quite being a worthless human being and do something resposible. Pisses me off.



Relax, man. 10 years ago he wasnt even considered drunk. Would you be just as pissed if he blew a .02 (If that was the legal limit) because he accidentally swallowed his Listerine and drove to a convenience store one night? I get pissed at the guys who are impaired, not unlucky.


Call the law firm of Koffel and Jump. Ask for Brad. He'll make it right for you.

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