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car broken into

cptn janks

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fucking dickwads :mad:


i got home at 11:30 last night. at 11:45 i go to get in my car to go over to my girls house and wtf... my console is open and all the shit that was in there was on the floor. WTF! my bookbag was gone. with nothing of any value. all that was in my bag was 5 library books and my notes for class. so congratulations assfuck. i hope you have a good time with my political science notes from ohio state :rolleyes:


the cop said that at 11:15 there was another car break in 2 blocks away in the 400 block of reinhart. he also said that there has been an increase in car break-ins in my area in the past week or so.


walked around the alleys for a bit looking for my bag. im sure they grabbed it and ran and then looked in it a bit away and then ditched it.


what i wouldnt have given to have caught that motherfucker in the act.

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I hate thives.


An excerpt from:

FM 22-102




Washington, DC - 01 April 1989


"Robbery, Burglary and Barracks Thievery


These crimes also affect unit morale. When a soldier rips off your stuff, all you want to do is kill him. Well, if it's your crap, go ahead and do him in. In fact, do more than that. If however, it wasn't your crap he took, you should let the wronged do the little crap head. Popular punishments for barracks thieves include the soldier falling down the stairs twenty or thirty times. Soldiers have also been penned into their rooms and tear gas powder blown under the door with a hair dryer. Anything cruel is good barracks thieves. In fact, it is best if you hold a formation to make the entire battalion observe the barracks thief being killed. People who do crap like this do not deserve to live, as they are far below contempt. I would rather have Russians distroing message traffic than a barracks thief in the company. And I definitely do not want Russians pulling WSC."

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These crimes also affect unit morale. When a soldier rips off your stuff, all you want to do is kill him. Well, if it's your crap, go ahead and do him in. In fact, do more than that. If however, it wasn't your crap he took, you should let the wronged do the little crap head. Popular punishments for barracks thieves include the soldier falling down the stairs twenty or thirty times. Soldiers have also been penned into their rooms and tear gas powder blown under the door with a hair dryer. Anything cruel is good barracks thieves. In fact, it is best if you hold a formation to make the entire battalion observe the barracks thief being killed. People who do crap like this do not deserve to live, as they are far below contempt. I would rather have Russians distroing message traffic than a barracks thief in the company. And I definitely do not want Russians pulling WSC."


:D I love it.

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