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CORUPT on TV on Halloween


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As some of you may know or noticed from my signature, my wife and I started a group called CORUPT - Central Ohioians Researching Unexplained Paranormal Things. We have been doing this for about 6 years now. Since some of you regular forgottenohio, some of our investigations are on the website. Resently some friends of ours from Amhurst, Ohio where contacted by the ABC News Youngstown. Their house is haunted and the news crew wanted to come up and do a story on there house last night. They also invited my wife and I up. In the end the reporter interviewed everyone that lived in the house, plus my wife. They also did a lot of filming of the house and of my wife and I doing an investigation. They filmed for about 3 hours. The reporter told us that the story will air on Halloween on the 6 and 11 news and that by around 7:30 the story should be on there website. My wife and I are very excited and can not wait to see what they air.


If you would like to check out our website, click the link in my signature.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well tonights the night it airs. We are all very excited I will post up the link as soon as it is up.


Also, resently we have been contacted by a producer at Pilgram TV. Pilgram TV is the ones that produce Ghost Hunter, American Chopper, Dirty Jobs, and American Hot Rod. Anyway, they are interested in my wife and I for a new show on the paranormal. He said they are doing casting for 2 shows and one of them may be a series. We have talked to the guy personally and after telling him about this news cast, he said "yeah I know, the news crew where the ones that recommended you." He said he has already got a copy of the story and he really liked what he saw. He told us that we will be hearing back from him in November. So all you guys may be seeing me on my own show next year.

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Here is the link




My wife, Clair, is the last one they interview. My wife and I are the ones in the white shirts. You only see a few blurry shots of myself in the video. One with me standing next to my wife while talking in the kitchen and one of me taking photos in the basement. Very cool still. The photo of the orb on the outside of the house is a photo we took back in May of this year. The video of the orb out side the garage looks to be snow. It was snowing off and on that day.

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For some reason some people have been having trouble uploading the video. It took us a while before it worked.


I have been looking at trying to pick up Ecto 1 from that place in IL.


Awesome. That would rock.


the vid worked for me.

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