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Idiot on 270 this morning


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So I'm on 270 this morning and in the FAST lane trying to make my way through traffic and this guy in front of me is dead set on driving 70 -72 in the fast lane. WTF!??!?!!?!! So I kinda ride his ass a bite so he will get the idea that I would like to get around him. does he take the hint? NOPE is clueless and tries to brake check me. Now I understand traffic in the other lanes was running slower but there were numberous times he could have gotten over and let me pass. If there would have been room on the right believe me I would have went around him.


Seriously people in this city really need to learn to drive and understand if you in the fast lane and someone wants to get around you get over let them pass.





:) :) :)

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I believe I was in the right lane when this was happening.


Trust me, that car wasn't just poking by.


He was absolutely flying by at an outrageous 70-72mph.


I think I even saw a Freeway Patrol clock him but they did not pursue chase due excessive speed.



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Hi, this is Ron, Jenny, Billy, Jessica, and Brad - we're the family of the guy you were tailgating. Anyway, we just wanted to post and say that he was pretty mellow today with what he did; when we're in the car with him, he's a LOT worse - like he'll slam on the brakes and cause an accident and while we're bleeding and unconscious and injured and stuff he jumps out and starts a big fight on the side of the road to prove that you should never endanger his family.
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Hi, this is Ron, Jenny, Billy, Jessica, and Brad - we're the family of the guy you were tailgating. Anyway, we just wanted to post and say that he was pretty mellow today with what he did; when we're in the car with him, he's a LOT worse - like he'll slam on the brakes and cause an accident and while we're bleeding and unconscious and injured and stuff he jumps out and starts a big fight on the side of the road to prove that you should never endanger his family.




Aw fuck. I LOL'd.

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I can't take it here....especially after just spending a week in Southern Cali....my God those bastards know how to drive.


After dinner, say 7:30-9pm roads traffice was light and I was being lapped by every car on the road. I was in the center of I-5 and 405 going 85-90mph and damn near ever single car on the road passed me. Even minivans :eek:


During the day when traffic is thick everyone is still rolling at 80mph+ Driving there for one week makes me want to move....


Women, Sunshine, Cool Cars, Beach, man life there was fun....but prices on everything else....no thanks.

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