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Too much fun...

V8 Beast

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My brother just got a black 01 GT last week that is slightly modded and sounds great. I finally got a chance to go out driving with him around the north side. I must say it was fun to drive around making a lot of worthless noise and wasting gas. People were smiling and loving the "my penis is bigger than yours" display of horse power. I purged at one point and a bunch of kids acted like it was the best thing in the world. We finally ended up at Beechcroft high school because my sister was up for homecoming queen. The students loved the cars, but the teachers were all like "could you keep it down". Yes I know its loud, and some people find it annoying . However its good to just enjoy yourself from time to time and not care what people say.


BY the way... my little sister didnt win homecoming queen, but my wife gave her the keys to the stratus so shes happy.

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Why am I reminded of "the great thing about 17 year old chicks is, they get older, I stay the same age" ? Are you that guy?


J/K I know the fun that can be had with both the GT and the fbody...I've owned both; enjoy.

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