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...and health Nazis ftl. If the statistics on 'secondhand smoke' weren't so inflated...


In this PC society, no one has the balls to call BS on those "truth" ads. If they could prove their claimed death toll, excluding any other possible cause, I might believe it.


I'm not saying secondhand smoke is harmless, I just think the risk is overstated. I can remember the panics over Alar, red dye #2, etc. So, it's not like I have no reason to be suspicious.



[/rant], now back to our regularly scheduled thread.


Ex-smoker here

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How can you guys get mad about not bein able to smoke in public anyways.


I Smoke WEED and have never had a problem. Even walking around smoking a blunt when the police come, they will just tell you to smoke in your house. or in my case he said walk to the park to keep smoking so no one would complain about me lol.


Maybe its different because you guys smoke cigs over and over because they really dont have any effect on you at all so you can't tell the difference between when your under cig influence or not :-p. So for you guys you would like to smoke a cig while walking around the mall or at a resturant. As opposed to weed when I can just smoke before I go there and be right most of the day.

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