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FS or trade for daily driver Full B16 swap!!

Guest Fibercation.com

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Guest Fibercation.com

Told to have 60k im thinking more around 80k


Told to have GSR trans. car broke timeing belt, head taken off and checked out Fine, needs reaseembled and belt and then ready to drop in.


Comes With Everything, drivetrain,ECU,axels,mounts, harness, conversion harness, disty/alt/starter etc, aftermarket header.


$2k Firm or looking to put towards a car or straight trade or trade plus some cash from you.


need to be in great running condition>


eg hatch

ef hatch

da teg

dc teg


or 4dr accords, dc integras 4dr's if 4dr Must be automatic


mx6trickout@aol.com or aim mx6trickout Located in Columbus,ohio

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