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tuition dollars hard at work

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A friend of mine from Erie was telling me about this yesterday, said his brother went to high school with the guy. It's been several years since I've been in Stradley, but if I recall that dorm is older. Still, if there have been complaints about elevators not working properly they should have been fixed immediately, or shut down until they could be worked on.
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Any complaint that could be a safety issue should be closed off for inspection no matter what it is. This should have never happened.


In any sort of manufactering plant or area its simply called "lock out, tag out" and does exactly what it states. Signs are places, and the device is puposfully made inoperable until it can be fixed by maintenance. Obviously this should've happened in this case but it didnt. Im sure there will be a multimillion dollar wrongful death suite made against OSU and they will settle out of court for an undisclosed amount.

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"Twenty-four people had crowded into a dormitory elevator before it pinned and killed an Ohio State University freshman, exceeding its weight capacity by as much as 1,100 pounds, a fire official said Monday."


I wonder ehy it might have had a failure...

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A friend of mine from Erie was telling me about this yesterday, said his brother went to high school with the guy. It's been several years since I've been in Stradley, but if I recall that dorm is older. Still, if there have been complaints about elevators not working properly they should have been fixed immediately, or shut down until they could be worked on.


I thought it was mandatory for all elevators to have an inspection once a year.

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"Twenty-four people had crowded into a dormitory elevator before it pinned and killed an Ohio State University freshman, exceeding its weight capacity by as much as 1,100 pounds, a fire official said Monday."


I wonder ehy it might have had a failure...



If a elevator is over limit, isnt it supposed to have a fail safe that will not allow it to operate, until the weight in the car is lowered?





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3600lbs, if everyone was a slim 150 lbs. It was probably closer to 4500lbs. If the elevator was made for 2500lb, the emergency friction brake cant be expected to perform with more then 1000lb over, they only test to +25%. 2000lb over = doom.

I've changed my opinion of this kid. You dont flee a half stopped elevator, dumb.

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