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OSU Michigan


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yeah ive been to all the games too... but man... i mean first of all when do michigan and OSU play and they are ranked 1 and 2?


secondly, how many times has OSU played 3 number 2 teams (texas, michigan will probably be #2, and then if we win that, we will go to the national championship to play the new #2 team)


and third, its national championship implications in this game. probably one of THE biggest OSU v. Michigan games that will ever be played.

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I've been hearing on 1460 the fan that if both OSU and those other people win out... the prices may be climbing all the way to $750-800 a ticket and that is just to get in The Shoe. Some tickets have already been sold for $4,000, I dont remeber where I heard 4grand though.
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