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Broadband Choices....anyone?


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Ok, so I am building a new house "in the country". I am in Hilliard not far from Brown Elementary school.


So here is what I have tried and the results.


Insight - Not available.

WOW - Not available.

Time Warner - only basic cable available no digital, HD or Road Runner.



T1 available for $90/month at 384k up to 3M at something like $900/month.

IDSL (which is a T1) available for the same price as T1.


Direcway/Hughesnet available but again really expensive, does VPN work?

Wild Blue - Not accepting new customers on my Beam.


Verizon Wireless card - My wife has to tunnel into work and aparently you only get so much data per month.


Dial-up - NOT BROADBAND but for some reason all of these companies keep telling me it is available in my area.


DSL - too far away.


Anyone have any other options? If so please provide the company name and I will give it a try. I don't know of any WISPs in the area so I cannot try them.

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The only other option that I can think of would be to check Direct TV or Dish Network. You can get the satalite service and internet. I think it is DSL though, but not for sure. I know it isn't broadband, but it is going to be cheaper than some of your options.
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Verizon Wireless card - My wife has to tunnel into work and aparently you only get so much data per month.


I thought it was unlimited data for $59.99/mo up to 3mbit down?


I have two PCMCIA cards for sale by the way if you go this route and they work flawlessly with WinXP and OSX 10.4.1+. I bought them up because Verizon stopped supporting Macs.


A friend of mine in Plain City uses her Verizon broadband card as her main internet connection. It works great, and you can travel with it!

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