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CR winter bench racing

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yea i was running through a door with a raised floor at full speed. mind you i used to run prety fast. my boot caught the door seal and twisted my ankle. when i landed my foot was sideways. then when my 250 lb body pushed on it my ackle poped out of place and it cracked the small bone connected to the pinky toe. so i got pissed off right away that my foot was not on right i stomped it on the ground and actually poped it back into place. that really didnt feal good but it did go back into place so i could walk on it. i actually walked all the way back to the back of the shop and finished putting the head on my friends eclipse. i got it running and drove it around for about 10 min. then walked through the shop back to my car. got in it and went home and relaxed for about 2 hrs. by this time it was blue black, and swollen. so i loosened up the shoe strings in my boots and went out in my s10 to go cruise around for a while. then drove it home and then drove back to my girlfriends at the time. all this time walking on it. i get there. have some sex and go to bed. i got up in the morning and walked down the stairs. went directly to the hospital after not being able to walk on it. dr said it looked like it was fractured and he could see where the ankle poped out and bruising on the bone. he said did it happen just now and i said nope about 1 day ago and ive been walking on it. so yes i did break my foot running. and i dont run anymore. Actually i dont have any need to run. what do i have to run from cops?im not stealing nothing. so no need to run ill just drive.
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Well after the pooping thread and shaving bung hole one, i figure i'd bee the one too start the bench racing one!!! :rolleyes::D



Next year, if your not in the 10's....




....dont even bother asking me, unless youd rather just hand me your money :cool:






Did you beat anyone noteworthy this year? I am asking because I honestly dont know.

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what is bench racing??



Its where people take a picnic bench, turn it upside down, wax the bottom (or top....whatever) and "surf" down the side of a mountain. The loser is beaten with his bench, and the winner keeps the title of "top dawg" until the spring when the snow melts and the auto racing begins again.

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Its where people take a picnic bench, turn it upside down, wax the bottom (or top....whatever) and "surf" down the side of a mountain. The loser is beaten with his bench, and the winner keeps the title of "top dawg" until the spring when the snow melts and the auto racing begins again.


Great explanation. I'd only add that this year's bench racing is slated to happen at Rock Mill - it's southeast of the city on the way toward Lancaster. Last year, Gearhead Rob was there and he was totally the best bench racer in attendance. Everyone was like, "Oooh, damn, that dude sure can bench race!" Then he crashed into a tree and started crying.

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hahahhaha where do u get these benches?


You didnt hear this from me, but any park will have one. Or you can purchase one at http://www.furnitureleisure.com/home.asp?cid=128&gclid=CPTTnt_MuogCFU4uGgod73PHyQ


I highly recommend the fiberglass or aluminum if you have the extra cash. Rob used the aluminum one and absolutely destroyed the competition last year. I'm taking the trophy this year Rob!


Make sure you buy the surf wax though. My little secret. Works better than the snowboard wax.


Fuck I'm excited for this years bench racing to begin!! :nod:

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Yeah, I used to get all of my benches from Blacklick Park, but there for a while I couldn't get them to stop splintering. So, then I started lifting them from this park in Polaris, right across from where I used to live. Much sturdier for some reason - maybe because they were newer benches? Not really sure, and don't really care.
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Last year the only person that came close to Rob was that douchebag from columbusstreetracing.com who tried to disguise a toboggan as a bench. He got disqualified though.


Surf wax is okay, but I use a special blend of Meguiars and Sex Wax...you have to wax a bit more often, but taking the trophy from all of you fuckers is going to be cake.


This year, i'm bringing in my little friend Ikea to dominate.



you guys are toast

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