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Fuck Mother Fucking Illegals!!!!!!!!!


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All im saying is you need more then a crowbar to fight an illegal mexican.


You already know there is atleast 84 more of them in the car if it was a honduh. Not to mention any that can fit in the trunk. Your lucky he wasnt in a van then that number doubles. Thats why they make drums.

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well, I got a call a lil bit ago. Theyre going to fix it. It did $4,500 worth of damage most of it being suspension damage and the radiator support. What sucks even more is they said it could take up to 9 days to get it fixed. :( Next is getting the deductible money and fighting the ticket on the 14th. Also, I may post pics from the accident, I took pictures to cover my ass in any way plus I enjoy seeing the tottally fucked up accord he was in :D
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I feel your pain man. My truck was stolen and totaled a few months ago by two 14 year old kids. I didnt have insurance on it cuz I was storing it for the time being. The kids parents are poor and dont own a damn thing to sue for either, they even rent their house. They should at least let me have their kids a fews times a week to do work for me until the debt is paid. This is why I FUCKING HATE people!

you can still sue the parents an if the work have part of there pay checks sent to you .

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Jesus, I cant believe that shit im tired of this shit i lived next to a halfway house no joke during my new years party. the dude told us how he had just jumped the boarder and was waiting for a id.


btw i speak some spanish and he spoke some english.

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I dont get it......if he is here illegally...than no matter what he was in the wrong!

illegal.......i think politicians need to look up that word!

thats just wrong......i wish we as americans had a say in stuff like this!!!

the cop shouldve checked to make sure he was legal......yeah call it racial profiling...........but shit happens!!!!!!!!! and now you have to pay for all this!

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He wont show to court if he is illegal. IF you say he is illegal was he cited for no ops? Who took the accident report? Look into it an fight the ticket you just might win.


I intend to. The court date is friday. If any one has any suggestions that might be helpful all are welcome cause I am not exactly sure how this is going to work out and I can't exactly afford an attorney. Wish me luck.

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There is something you can do, get a petition for deportation of illeagals and get alot of signatures, then send that to your represenatives and congressmen up in DC. They are there to represent us so show them how to best represent you. I am sure you send something up with enough signatures, they will pay attention.
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Sorry about what happend to you. That really sucks. My sister got rear ended by some mexicans and they hit and ran. I don't think they ever caught them. Did some good damage too. Then my Aunt got a hit and run by a mexican women. The women did not have a license either. They did find her and her husband told the cops the reason she ran is because she does not speak english. On top of that my Aunt got a ticket and was sited for the accident. It is a bunch of crap.


I know most mexicans have no license or insurance. It is really hurting the good U.S. citizens of this country. What is wrong with the lawmaker's? Why don't they get mean and do some thing drastic and get things better?

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