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who can cook some prime rib?


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anyone got a good recipe? i need to make some soon...would like to make some comparable to what you would get at damons, or the prime rib at o'charleys


i know on a forum thats 98% guys, someone or their wife has to have a recipe for this




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My wife can't cook worth a fuck, but I can. This is a recipe I got from a master chef. It yields a perfect rare, to medium rare, roast. You can cook the slices individually if there is some freak who likes it well done.


Let roast sit at room temp for at least 30 mins.


Pre-heat oven to 425.


Combine 1 tbl each of Salt, Pepper, and Garlic powder. Add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar (promotes caramelization).


Rub the outside of the Rib and place in a roasting pan. (Do not use a non-stick pan)


Place in 425 degrees oven for 15 minutes.


Then reduce oven temp to 325 degrees until internal temp reaches 120 degrees.


Remove Rib and let rest for 15 minutes.Slice and enjoy!

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