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LCD monitors...any opinions?


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gonna upgrade to an LCD monitor for my puter, prolly 19/20" depending on what kinda prices i can find. it'll be used mostly for gaming, and i'm not so sure which brands are still good when it comes to LCD. i would go to Best Buy or whatever just to look at them, but they usually look like crap after being run day in and day out, plus i'm gonna order from NewEgg or wherever and a lot of those brands aren't carried in local stores.


anyways, are there any opinions? what should i be looking for, resolution, contrast ratio, and refresh rate?


my friend just got an NEC that seems rather nice, decent price. i've heard to check out LG, which i dunno about...i personally have always had extremely good luck with Sony products, but never had their LCD's.

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Good choice on Newegg. They carry a lot more stuff and cheaper usually then the stores. I ordered my 19" Samsung from them. If it's for gaming pay attention to the refresh rate and color ratio. You want a pretty big ratio for the colors and the lower the refresh rate, the quicker the monitor's display pixels update.
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The thing to look for IMO is pixel depth. A lot of bargain MFRs panels are actually 6 bits/subpixel instead of 8, which they counter with an interpolation effect but it's still not nearly as vivid as an 8 bit screen. Some research is required to ensure the panel you are getting is 8 bit, since marketing literature is often deceptive. DVI connector is a must, refresh rate should be 12ms or lower, contrast should be 800:1 or more, these features are easy to find on modern panels. I use dell LCDs exclusively (not trying to be elitist they just look great).


I use this one at home: http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=320-4688 which can often be had for close to $300 if you wait for a dell sale or get a coupon. That display is so good that 4 of my friends wound up getting one shortly after I did, no one I know who shopped for a LCD could find a better one.

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