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KILLSV8 (red eclipse)


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If you are on here, the guy with the red eclipse and license plate that reads "KILLSV8", YOU ARE A FUCKING RICER! This guy missed me by inches as he decided to cut across 2 lanes of traffic near the 670/70 split. I hope next time you do that, that you sir, hit a semi and lose your precious pos.



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His name is Tyson and He will Wake Up with NO PLATES sometime Soon Because




you know how many times ive stolen his plates...alot



one time i told him he has too race me too get them back. he admited defeat, and handed me 20 bucks too get them back.


and yes he is on here.

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I've seen lots of rice with plates similar to that. v8what, v8killr, etc. It don't mean shit, because most of the time when people get custom plates like that, they can't back it up.



my new plates are going too say ZO6THIS or LSXTHIS ;)

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you know how many times ive stolen his plates...alot



one time i told him he has too race me too get them back. he admited defeat, and handed me 20 bucks too get them back.


and yes he is on here.



Awesome, you just admitted to several serious felonies on a web forum where several cops post and read... And I quoted it. Now, unless you pay ME twenty dollars like you did to that tyson kid, I'll PM Sawbinder the link to this thread.




Could the population of this board be ANY stupider?!?!?!

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go for it, pm it too him, what is he going too do. what is he going too do, tell his boss "hey, i got some dirt off that there interweb, can i go arrest this guy". no , cause he'll get laughed right out the station. do yourself a favor (and everyone else) and go kill yourself. the real question here is, how much stupider are you going too get?
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I know you can back it up Rob, but I was referring to ricers that talk down v8's by getting such plates (v8killr, killsv8) when most of the time they can't back it up.

I dont care what ricers do ;) cause we all know they are stupid, or they wouldnt be driving what they are driving ;)

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Awesome, you just admitted to several serious felonies on a web forum where several cops post and read... And I quoted it. Now, unless you pay ME twenty dollars like you did to that tyson kid, I'll PM Sawbinder the link to this thread.




Could the population of this board be ANY stupider?!?!?!



I know sawbinder I will have him arrest you for blackmail unless you pay me $100.


I win.

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I know sawbinder I will have him arrest you for blackmail unless you pay me $100.


I win.




Hahaha it actually took less time for someone to say this than I thought. Kudos.


You guys do realize that the only people who actually insult me (and are serious) or call me an internet hardass are the ones too thick or insecure to do anything else, right? Most of the people read what I post and laugh at either the actual comedic value of the post itself or how stupid all of you end up looking when you get pissed off.


Sure gearhead, you win, you real-life badass you. You post about stealing someone else's property and then extorting them, while hiding behind the lack of internet-evidence laws. Everyone with less than a full set of teeth or a union job is exremely impressed by your open lack of regard for the agreed upon societal moral system. Now, go back to impressing 18 year old kids with your ugly, run-of-the-mill, single-purpose crapwagon and leave the thinking and "putting words together to form sentences" to the people who have the mental capacity to do so.





And seriously? Stop. Every time you guys post a serious or angry response you're A) making me laugh hysterically, and B) giving me exactly what I want.

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pathetic loser with no self esteem , is what you are.get over it.


run of the mill crapbox....and just what do you drive? thats what i thought. a pos run of the mill crap box. post pics of your and i'll post pics of mine and we'll let cr see who has the run of the mill crap box


Your more then welcome too come down too the shop and see how much of a hardass i am. but then, i dont think your worth wasting my time on. so ill leave it at that!

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