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Ebay Camping whores who sell ps3 and wii


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I'm a true gamer I run ohiogaming.net I love games, I think its a fucking sad day when mother fuckers by a console or multiple to sell on ebay when i want to play the damn thing but i can't I bought my wii 3 months in advance i can't get it because some dick head bought more then 1 to sell on ebay.



Its a fucking shame.


Yes i'm a hater and I was not in this for money I was in this for the gaming. I love gaming.



Yes you can say it happens but it should not and its wrong. if those 7000 plus people on ebay did not buy it to exploit real gamers then we would not have this fucking problem. THANKS DICKS

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I don't mind so much the price hiking. What bugs me is not cutting the CR members a deal. If the price was $10K and you're a grown adult and agree to pay it, not my fault. But, I look at it like punching a friend in the face if you do it on here.
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100% increase in profit.


Classic Cars owned by a family

Rare finds


Auction people who buy lots of crap and find stuff.


as for reading i do read, I just enjoy gaming as a past time.



Some PS3s are selling for 2k+.


None of those reasons are viable, nor do they even come close to costing as little as 600 dollars plus a 2 day wait in line.



WTF does classic cars owned by a family even mean?

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How does having a car for decades that you paid thousands of dollars for compare to paying 600 dollars for a playstation at your local bestbuy and selling it on the internet 2 hours later for $2,000?





Keep trying.

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Its a fucking shame.


Yes i'm a hater and I was not in this for money I was in this for the gaming. I love gaming.


Try not to romanticise your pasttime too much, there just fucking games.


I think your both retarded. Hefty, your remarks and comebacks are that of a 6th grade intellect ("derrrr"??? what the hell is that?). But you are right, other than less than legal ways i can't think of anything off the top of my head i could flip for 1500$ in two days.


Thorne, if you want to bitch about it? wait 6 months until there everywhere then you can buy one, or just do what i did for the ps2 and wait a year or 2 and buy a used one from the store for half the price. Then again i must not be a "true gamer".

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if the retail cost of a PS3 is $500 but the only way to get one is to pay $2000 for one online, what is the actual cost of a PS3?



$2000, not $500. If you want to pay $500, then the cost to you is $500 + time that you wait.



Its a vicious market, man, but our glorious capitalist system allows for it.

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No, it's the intelligent people who realize that they can get a 200% return on their investment a half hour after they invested. Show me a product other than pure narcotics or raw oil that can do that, and I'll give you a cookie.


Sorry, $$$ > Tru gamerz.






Sometimes you make me smile more than frown.


Gamerz...get a fucking life. It's a video game. Obviously if you wanted it that badly you would have waited outside in the cold and rain like the people wanting a profit.


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