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Osu Wins!!!!


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That was an amazing game!!! If you think about it Michigans only loss is to the #1 team by 3 points. USC cant say that about their loss. I think Michigan has earned the right to play for the national championship. I also want to thank the Michigan fans on here. Your sportmanship is appreciated!!!!!!
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i dont know about that roughing the center call...the rule is that you have to give him ample time to lift his head...the guy's body was starting to stand upright even though his head was still down. are they not supposed to touch him until he can see? its fucking football, man up.
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Yes it was a great game. And I think they were the two best teams in the NCAA. However, the refs allowed for 15 of Mich points (ruffing the center and pass inter.). Both of those calls were retarded. So I don't think it was as close as the score portrayed. With that said....the adjustments the mich coaches did at halftime were amazing. And a rematch would not be near as interesting.




That ruffing the center call is absolutely stupid. You have to wait for someone to put there head up before you can rush them, Come on! That phantom pass interference call at the end cost me 50.00 dollars too. Such a bad call. Usally its the home team that will get some homer calls by the ref's. Not this time just the opposite. Michigan did play good. The ref's keep them in the game though. It was a sweet game.

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I'm not from C Bus so though I'm not an OSU fan, I don't dislike them either. I watched most of the game yesterday & I must say - the Buckeyes were impressive. They say great teams prevail & I believe thats what happened last night. The Buckeye nation has alot to be proud of today. Whoever faces them in the bowl game will have their hands full for sure. Congrats -
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The roughing the center call is for the protection of the player as is a hemet to helmet hit that no one seems to be complaining about.I hate rules like that too, but it's better than having a paralyzed player from a neck or head injury.I hope people won't be crying about calls in this game cause it was a great game.Anytime you have people involved as referees there are going to be mistakes because they can't see everything or be in position everytime for the right call.I HATE reviewing calls and breaking the plane of the goal line and the ground can't cause a fumble.Those are the rules though, and I have to live with them.You should get your body and the ball in the endzone and you should hold on to the ball when you are tackled or fall and if the ref gets a call wrong ,play ball maybe you'll get the next call.
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the defender never turned for the ball and he had his hands all over the receiver...........even in the NFL thats pass interference :)

I thought the game was called fairly well !

I heard on ESPN how alot of people now want to see a rematch !!! even alot of the ones who didnt think there shouldve been one at all!!! I said before the game no matter what they both deserve a national championship game!!!

I honestly have to say that this was the best offensive performances from both teams ........WOW !!!! and was the best game ever in college history!!



Now....today another rivalry...........Cleveland vs Pittsburgh


GO BROWNS !!!!!!!! :)

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Great game and I hope great sportsmanship by all sides.


I hope Bo's death reminds many that we are all just people cheering for our beloved teams. I hope everyone will realize how important is to Ohio/Columbus and Michigan. I hope it brings back perspective to the game.


This is a game that we will never forget that created memories that we will never forget. I'm just glad that I was here to watch it.

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Did anyone hear what that douchebag Hart said?? Said there was nothing special about OSU's D, just average... Does the dumbass realize the ONLY reason it was a 3 point game was from the very uncharacteristic 3 turnovers which lead to 10 easy points for UM. Why can't he just have a little class, just admit they got beat, congratulate us, etc. If OSU had lost, that would have been the first thing our players would have done.


And Carr needs to STFU about the personal foul call on Troy Smith.. It was helmet to helmet hit.

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No disrespect but Hart was right ............ BUT ........BOTH defenses SUCKED !!!!! It was an offensive game !!!!!!!!!!

I agree if Carr should be bitching at anyone it should be Crable !!!!!!!!!


Well you don't hear the OSU players saying how the UM run defense was just "average", nothing special about them. Like always, the first thing out of the players mouth is to congratulate Michigan.

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The best defense in the country will get scored on by those two offences, Plain and simple.


The defenses did not suck they were being overwhelmed by POWERFULL offensive players and plays.

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The best defense in the country will get scored on by those two offences, Plain and simple.


The defenses did not suck they were being overwhelmed by POWERFULL offensive players and plays.


I agree, OSU could even score on a few NFL teams. Its not bad defense, its GREAT offense!!!

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Yes it was a great game. And I think they were the two best teams in the NCAA. However, the refs allowed for 15 of Mich points (ruffing the center and pass inter.). Both of those calls were retarded. So I don't think it was as close as the score portrayed. With that said....the adjustments the mich coaches did at halftime were amazing. And a rematch would not be near as interesting.



^^ Quoted for Truth! ^^

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I think the reality of the rematch is that OSU fans don't want to lose( no slam intended at all OSU is great), everybody knows it would be tough for OSU to beat this team twice let alone on a Neutral field. If they do win twice, nobody can say anything, OSU is KING! I think Mich earned their trip to AZ lastnight. If OSU can win on neutral ground again, there will be no * with this championship. If OSU goes on to play USC and Michigan goes on to clobber Florida or Ark. Everyone will say in Jan OSU should have played Mich. No OSU fan should want to hear that. If Mich wins in Jan then they deserve a part of the Championship. They have earned it. Bring on the rematch, just like in big heavy weight boxing matches. If OSU wins again nobody can say anyone is even close to OSU this year. As it stands now Mich is close if not EYE to EYE with OSU.


Mich lost by 3 on the road to the No 1 team. USC lost to an unranked team on the road(unranked all season I might add, If mich lost to Ball State, they would not even be considered for #2 even if they beat OSU lastnight, the BCS is so biased to USC) bullshit that USC could ever be ranked higher than Mich. As for ND beating USC, ND should never be allowed to be ranked higher than Mich, they went to South bend and gave them an ass whoopin. I watched that game and Mich dominated. SO bring on the rematch because eveyone knows, Mich or OSU would be a blow out against Ark or Florida.


The two best teams should play in the Championship game , those two teams are OSU and Mich. Not OSU and USC or OSU and Florida, or OSU or Ark. And definately not OSU and ND. Those are your choices. It is clear.


BTW Hart's comments were stupid. But it sets the stage for Jan, and it will feed into the pollsters. I'm glad he said it, it will help the voting for a rematch IMO. I bet the OSU players and Mich want to play again, how could you not want to play again, unless you are wanting to hide?

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To add Herbstreit said, "I think after this game it will be like the redsox vs NYY, does anyone remember who the Red Sox played in the WS? NO they remember the NYY vs Redsox though. SO everyone will remember the OSU vs Mich Game and forget the championship game. This is the BCS Championship tonight."


Horseshit, run them again, let's remember!

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A great game, and an instant classic.


Rematch? On one hand, it's incredibly unfair to OSU. UM had their shot and missed. End of very short story. Do the Colts get to cry foul when they lose to the Patriots on the road during the playoffs? Uh, no. Higher seeded teams get homefield advantage. That's kind of what happened here. Making OSU beat UM twice to win the championship, and allowing UM a chance to win a piece of the championship by beating a team that JUST BEAT THEM THE LAST GAME THEY PLAYED, is simply unfair.


All that being said, I wouldn't be terribly afraid to see a rematch, being an OSU fan. OSU had three turnovers, which gave UM some gift-wrapped points. We play again, chances are the turnover margin isn't so extremely skewed in UM's direction. So, maybe Hart is dead on when he says a rematch would result in a far different outcome: it's likely that OSU could just up and smoke UM badly in a second game.


BTW, I just made my reservations for Glendale today: (2) tickets, charter non-stop flight, hotel reservations, etc. Phoenix/Glendale = Columbus West.

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First off OSU is flat out amazing. One of the best games I have seen as well.


On another note, as much I would love to see Troy beat UM again... I dont think a rematch will be happening. There are too many other teams that will make it before UM like USC or Florida

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